VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
Dropping Courses
All course drops from a student's program for a particular semester are to be completed by the dates specified in the Section III--Schedule of Dates.. Courses that are one semester long must be dropped by the end of the 40th class day; two-semester courses must be dropped by the last day of the add period in the second semester.
The Academic Review Sub-Committee of the program in which the student is registered may grant a request to drop a course or courses after the deadline only if there are sufficient extenuating medical, psychological, or compassionate considerations (see Academic Consideration and Appeals). Students must submit written requests for a late drop, along with their supporting documentation, to their Program Counsellor no later than the 20th day of classes of the following semester.
Student who are granted a late course drop will have reference to the course completely removed from their transcript.