XVI. Administration and Faculty
Administration and Faculty
Administrative Officers
Office of the President
F. Vaccarino, President and Vice-Chancellor, B.SC. (TOR.), M.SC., PH.D (MCG.)
V. Hodgkinson, Special Advisor to the President, B.A. (YORK, CAN.), M.A. (GUELPH)
M.M. Murphy, Legal Counsel, B.SC. (ST. F.X. ANTIGONISH, N.S.), LLB (W.ONT.)
University Secretariat
K. Revington, University Secretary, B.A. (QU.), M.ED. (BOSTON)
G. Gauthier-Chalifour, Associate University Secretary, B.A. (W. LAUR.), M.A. (GUELPH)
H. Jarvis, Assistant University Secretary & Judicial Officer, B.A. (QU.), M.A., J.D. (TOR.)
K. Ingoldsby, Governance Officer, B.A.(W. ONT), CHRP (FANSHAWE)
B. Doadt, Acting Governance Officer, B.F.A (RYERSON), J.D. (W.ONT)
Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
C. Yates, Provost and Vice-President (Academic), B.A. (WINN.), M.A. (QU), PH.D. (QU.)
S. Desmarais, Associate Vice-President (Academic), B.A., M.A., PH.D. (WAT.)
B. Whiteside, Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs), B.A., M.A. (GUELPH)
B. Bradshaw, Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies), Associate Professor, B.A. (TRENT), PH.D (GUELPH)
R, Graham, Chief Information Officer and Chief Librarian, B.S. (Wilberforce), M.S. (UIUC)
T. Jandrisits, Assistant Vice-President Faculty & Academic Staff Relations, B.SC. (GUELPH), CHRP.
R. Darling, Registrar, B.A., M.A. (GUELPH)
D. Draper, Manager, Faculty & Academic Staff Relations, B.A.H. (MANIT.), MIR. (QU.)
S.G. Dorr, Coordinator of the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre, B.A., M.A. (GUELPH), M.S. (KANSAS ST.)
M. Ridley, Acting Director of First-Year Seminars, B.A., (GUELPH), M.L.S. (TOR.), M.A. (NEW BR.), M.ED (TOR.)
T. Oakley, Special Project Manager, Faculty and Academic Staff Relations, B.A.SC., M.SC., M.A. (GUELPH)
P. Tersigni, Director, Academic Programs & Policy, B.A., M.A. (GUELPH)
J. Emeneau, Curriculum Manager, Associate Vice-President (Academic), B.A.SC. (GUELPH)
Office of Resource Planning and Analysis
K. Menard, Assistant Vice-President (Institutional Research and Planning), B.A. (CAR.), M.A., PH.D. (WAT.)
C.A. Beattie, Research Associate, B.SC. (GUELPH)
M. Kupferschmidt, Research Associate, B.A. (GUELPH)
Office of the Vice-President, External
D. Atlin, Vice President, External, B.A. (W.ONT.)
K. Bertrand, Associate Vice-President, (Major Gift Advancement), B.A.H. (QU.)
C. Cunningham, Assistant Vice-President, Communications & Public Affairs, B.E.S. (WAT.)
J. Moreton, Associate Vice-President, (Alumni Advancement), B.A. (GUELPH), M.A. (W.LAUR.)
Alumni Affairs and Development
K. Bertrand, Assistant Vice-President, (Major Gift Advancement), B.A.H. (QU.)
J. Moreton, Associate Vice-President, (Alumni Advancement), B.A. (GUELPH), M.A. (W.LAUR.)
J. Barrett, Associate Director, Major Gift Strategy, B.A., M.A. (GUELPH)
R. Butler, Director, Planned Giving, B.A. (GUELPH), B.COMM. (WIND.)
L. Hood, Associate Director, Annual Giving, B.SC.H. (QU.), M.A.(GUELPH)
A. Jamal, Associate Director, Major Gift Strategy, B.A., M.A. (GUELPH)
W. Jespersen, Manager, Advancement Communications, MEDIA DIP. (SHERIDAN)
R. Moroz, Associate Director, Information Systems, B.MIS. (RYERSON)
W. Turner, Associate Director, Stewardship,B.COMM (GUELPH)
Communications and Public Affairs
C. Cunningham, Assistant Vice-President, B.E.S. (WAT.)
L. Bona Hunt, Director, News Service, B.SC. (UTAH), M.A. (GUELPH)
S. Bubak, News Editor, B.A. (WAT.), B.J. (RYERSON)
K. Gonsalves, News Service Officer, B.J. (RYERSON)
J. Hennessy, Internal Communications Co-ordinator, B.A. (WAT.)
S. Morrison, Manager Publications, B.A. (W.LAUR), B.J. (UNIVERSITY OF KING'S COLLEGE)
S. Robertson, Manager, University Website, B.A. (YORK, CAN.)
A. Scott, Web Designer. B.F.A. (NSCAD)
A. Vowles, Staff Writer, B.SC. (GUELPH)
V. Ward, Administrative Assistant, B.A., M.A. (GUELPH)
Community Relations
S. Bennett, Director University and Community Relations, B.A. (QU.)
C. Alexander, Special Projects Manager, B.B.A. (SFU)
Office of the Vice-President (Finance and Administration)
D. O'Leary, Vice-President (Finance and Administration), B.B.A. (UNB.)
R.J. Carter, Associate Vice-President (Physical Resources), M.A..SC., P.ENG., CEFP
M. Harley, Assistant Vice-President (Human Resources)
J. Miles, Assistant Vice-President (Finance and Services), B.A. (WAT.), C.M.A.
E. Townsley, Executive Director (Hospitality Services)
D. Lee, Director, Campus Community Police, Emergency Management & Fire Safety
Office of the Vice-President (Research)
M. M. Campbell, Vice-President (Research) and Professor, B.SC., PH.D. (GUELPH), M.A. OXON (OXFORD)
J. R. Livernois, Associate Vice-President (Research Services), B.A. (TOR.), M.A., PH.D. (BR.COL.)
W. Caldwell, Interim Associate Vice-President Research (Strategic Partnerships) and Professor, B.A., M.A. (W.ONT.), PH.D. (WAT.)
S. L. Cox, Executive Director, Research Innovation and Knowledge Mobilization, D.V.M., M.BA. (Guelph)
Colleges and Faculties
College of Arts
D. Bruce, Dean and Professor, B.A. (ALBERTA), M.A. (QU.), PH.D. (TOR.)
College of Biological Science
J. Newman, Dean, B.A., PH.D. (ALBANY)
College of Business and Economics
J. Christensen Hughes, Dean and Professor (Department of Management), B.COMM. (GUELPH), M.B.A., PH.D (YORK)
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
A. Vannelli, Dean, B.SC., M.SC. (CONCORDIA), PH.D. (WAT.), P.ENG.
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences
G. Chapman, Dean, B.SH. EC (SASK.), M.SC., PH.D. (TOR.)
Ontario Agricultural College
W. Caldwell, Interim Dean, B.A., M.A. (W.ONT.), PH.D. (WAT.)
Ontario Veterinary College
E. Stone, Dean, D.V.M. (CALIFORNIA), M.S. (GEORGIA), M.P.P. (DUKE)
J. Wichtel, Dean, B.V.SC., PH.D. (MASSEY, NZ)
Office of Graduate Studies
A. Clarke, Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies & Program Quality Assurance), B.SC., M.SC., PH.D. (WAT)
University of Guelph-Humber
J. Walsh, Vice-Provost, Chief Academic Officer and Chief Executive Officer, University of Guelph-Humber, B.A. (THAMES), M.B.A., PH.D. (W.ONT.)