IX. Scholarships and Other Awards

Bachelor of Arts and Science

Entrance Scholarships

Academic Leadership Entrance Scholarships [E1070]
This scholarship was established by the University of Guelph in 2018 to recognize entering students’ academic excellence and strong demonstrated leadership, innovation and advocacy within their schools and communities. These awards are considered one of Guelph’s most prestigious entering scholarship and encourage students to advance their post-secondary studies here at the University of Guelph. Selection will be based on demonstrated leadership and academic excellence. Applicants who are long-listed through the selection process of the President’s Scholarships, the Lincoln Alexander Chancellor’s Scholarships, or the Chancellors’ Scholarships, but are not offered one of these will be considered. Selections may be limited to particular programs and/or colleges. The scholarship will be renewed each year provided recipients remain registered in full-time studies and achieve a minimum 80.0% average in their previous academic year of full-time study. Students who fail to qualify for a renewal payment may re-qualify by subsequently obtaining an 80.0% or better average in the previous academic year of full-time study. Annual payments lost cannot be added to the end of the award period. Students apply by January 25th by completing the online application to the President’s, Lincoln Alexander Chancellor’s or the Chancellors’ scholarships application. This award is tenable with all other awards except, this award cannot be held with the President’s Scholarships, the Lincoln Alexander Scholarships, the Chancellors’ Scholarships or the Board of Governors’ Scholarships.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Students entering a degree program who have submitted an application to the President’s, Lincoln Alexander Chancellor’s or the Chancellors’ scholarships.
Amount: up to 35 awards of $20,000 (payable over 4 years of study)
Angelo and Frank Agro Undergraduate Scholarship [E0520]
These scholarships are provided by the Agro Scholarship Fund. Apply, by April 15, to Student Financial Services (awards@uoguelph.ca), with a one to two-page, point-form listing of 4-H activities. This list should describe current or past activities within 4H and the position titles/names, if applicable. Attach a reference letter from a 4H club official. These scholarships will be awarded to the students demonstrating the most active involvement with 4H clubs. The committee will consider any appropriate elements, such as the length of membership in 4H, leadership role(s) in support of 4H, creativity in 4H outreach, and coordination with other rural and academic activities. Credit will be given to those who have achieved in county, provincial and national 4H competitions. Recipients must maintain full-time studies and at least a 70% program average each year for continuation of the award.
The Frank Agro Estate
Qualification(s): Full-time students entering semester 1 who have attained a minimum 75% admission average and completion of a minimum of 10 - 4H projects.
Amount: 7 awards of $7,000 (payable over 4 years of study)
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Four Year Scholarship [E1130]
Established in 2019 through a generous gift from two friends of the College of Arts to support academically exceptional students. Students who receives the scholarship must maintain a cumulative average of 80% and be registered in the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences program to receive payments in years 2, 3, and 4. This is not tenable with a President's or Chancellors' scholarship. Selection is based on the two highest admission averages.
Nancy Bailey-Bligh and John Bligh
Qualification(s): Students entering the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Program with a minimum of 80% average.
Amount: 2 awards of $12,400 (payable over 4 years)
Board of Governors' Scholarships [E0317]
This scholarship is considered one of the University of Guelph's most prestigious entrance scholarships with only 25 awards being awarded each year. Recipients of this scholarship are entering their program with one of the highest admission averages of that cohort. The scholarship will be renewed each year provided recipients remain registered in full-time studies and achieve a minimum 80.0% average in their previous academic year of full-time study. Students who fail to qualify for a payment may re-qualify by subsequently obtaining an 80.0% or better average in the previous academic year of full time study. Payments lost cannot be added to the end of the award period. This award cannot be held with the President's, Lincoln Alexander Chancellor's or Chancellors' Scholarships. Application is not required.
Board of Governors
Qualification(s): Academically outstanding entering students with the highest admission averages of the entering cohort.
Amount: 25 awards of $20,000 (payable over 4 years of study)
Chancellor's Scholarships [E0688]
This scholarship was established in 2009 in honour of current and past University of Guelph Chancellors and is considered one of the most prestigious entrance awards offered by the University of Guelph. Selection will be made on demonstrated superior leadership ability and potential as demonstrated through positions held, extra-curricular activities, involvement in high school and communities and reference support. Students apply by January 25 by completing the online application. Short-listed candidates will be invited to campus for an interview. The scholarship will be renewed each year provided recipients remain registered in full-time studies and achieve a minimum 80.0% average in their previous academic year of full-time study and continue to demonstrate the leadership qualities on which the award was given. Recipients must provide an annual report to the President's and Chancellors' Scholarship Selection and Review Committee (PCSSRC) detailing leadership and engagement activities throughout the year. This scholarship cannot be held with the President’s Scholarships, the Lincoln Alexander Chancellor's Scholarships, the Academic Leadership Scholarship, or the Board of Governors’ Scholarships.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Students entering a degree program with a minimum 90% admission average who have made significant leadership and innovative contributions to their schools and communities in activities that demonstrate an interest in international relations and development, or leadership roles in activities relating to arts and culture and demonstrate the potential to become a leader in society.
Amount: 2 awards of $42,000 ($8,250 annually for 4 years of study plus one $9,000 stipend for summer research assistantship)
Ed Carter/University of Guelph Faculty Association Scholarship [E0292]
Award is payable at $750 per annum in the student's 1st, 3rd, and 5th semester levels, provided a cumulative average of at least a 70% is maintained. To receive the final payment, the recipient would normally be entering the 5th semester level within a period of 3 calendar years from the date of admission. Awarded to the student with the highest admission average. Application is not required.
University of Guelph Faculty Association
Qualification(s): Students entering any undergraduate degree program at the University of Guelph from Wellington county.
Amount: 1 award of $2,250 ($750 in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th semesters)
Ernie Kendall Science Entrance Scholarship [E0668]
Established by Ernest Kendall, O.A.C. B.S.A. 1932 and awarded to the student entering a science program with the highest admission average. Preference will be given to students that graduated from Elmira District School. This award is not tenable with the President's Scholarships, the Lincoln Alexander Chancellor's Scholarships or the Board of Governors' Scholarships. Application is not required.
Ernest W. Kendall
Qualification(s): Students entering any sciences (B.Sc., B.Sc.(Agr.), B.Sc.(Env.), B.Sc.(Tech), B.A.Sc., B.A.S., B.B.R.M., B.Eng.) degree program with a minimum 80.0% admission average.
Amount: 1 award of $2,000
Gordon W. Innes Scholarship [E0140]
Application is not required.
Gordon W. 'Sparky' Innes Scholarship Fund Committee of the Woodstock Agricultural Society.
Qualification(s): Student entering any degree program from Oxford County with the highest admission average.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Hardy International Student Scholarship [E0659]
Selection is based on the assessment of the student's admission application and preference is given in the following order: students from Haiti; students from Africa; then any other international student. Application is not required.
Mrs. Marion Hardy
Qualification(s): Full-time international students (defined as paying the international student tuition and fees) entering any degree program.
Amount: 1 award of $2,000
International Entrance Scholarships [E0408]
In support of the University's strategic direction of internationalism, entrance scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to students entering semester one of any degree program in the fall semester who have not attended a post-secondary institution and have a record of high academic achievement; defined by a minimum admission average of 85.0% or equivalent. These scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis based on admission average at the time of the offer of admission or in May and/or in August. Students offered a scholarship ranging in values of $5,500 to $8,500 who subsequently (after their offer and in any given semester) pay the domestic tuition and fees will have their scholarship value updated to correspond with the domestic values (University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship E0291). Application is not required.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Students expected to pay the International student fees entering semester one of any degree program in the fall semester who have not attended a post-secondary institution and have a record of high academic achievement; defined by a minimum admission average of 85.0% or equivalent.
Amount: Several awards ranging in value from $5,500 - $8,500
J.D. MacLachlan Scholarship [E0170]
Provided by the family of J.D. MacLachlan. The recipient will be the student entering with the highest admission average. Application is not required.
The J.D. MacLachlan Trust
Qualification(s): Students entering any degree program at the University of Guelph.
Amount: 1 award of $1,500
Jack and Lillian MacDonald Scholarship [E0379]
Family, friends, and colleagues of Lillian MacDonald and Dr. Jack MacDonald, Vice-President, Academic, of the University of Guelph from 1986 to 1995, have established a scholarship that recognizes their commitment to increasing the accessibility of post-secondary education to Aboriginal learners. In the first instance, the award will be given to an entering student coming from the Six Nations Polytechnic (SNP) and who has received the highest cumulative average in the Native University Program. If there is no entering student in any one year, the scholarship will be awarded to the in-course student who is a graduate of the SNP (or previously, the Grand River Polytechnical Institute) who has the highest cumulative average at the University.
Family, friends, and colleagues of Lillian MacDonald and Dr. Jack MacDonald
Qualification(s): Entering students coming from the Six Nations Polytechnic (SNP).
Amount: 1 award of $900
John Vanderkamp Memorial Scholarship [E0321]
Established by family, friends and colleagues of John Vanderkamp, former Chair of the Department of Economics, respected Dean of the College of Social Science (1981-1991) and an enthusiastic promoter of liberal education as encompassed in the Arts & Science Program. Apply to Student Financial Services (awards@uoguelph.ca) by April 15th with a letter describing involvement in extra-curricular activities and two reference letters from counsellors, teachers or mentors.
Established by the family, friends and colleagues of John Vanderkamp
Qualification(s): Academically outstanding students entering the B.A.S. program with significant involvement in extra-curricular activities.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Lincoln Alexander Chancellor's Scholarships [E0689]
Established in 2001 in honour of Lincoln Alexander, Chancellor Emeritus of the University of Guelph and former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, on his 80th birthday They are intended to enhance student diversity and are one of the most prestigious entrance awards at the University of Guelph. Selection will be made on superior leadership ability and potential as demonstrated through positions held, extra-curricular activities, involvement in high school and communities and reference support. Students apply by January 25 by completing the online application. Short-listed candidates will be invited to campus for an interview. The scholarship will be renewed each year provided recipients remain registered in full-time studies and achieve a minimum 80.0% average in their previous academic year of full-time study and continue to demonstrate the leadership qualities on which the award was given. Recipients must provide an annual report to the President's and Chancellors' Scholarship Selection and Review Committee (PCSSRC) detailing leadership and engagement activities throughout the year.This award cannot be held with the President’s Scholarships, the Chancellors' Scholarships, the Academic Leadership Scholarship, or the Board of Governors’ Scholarships.
Many Donors
Qualification(s): Students entering a degree program with a minimum 90% admission average who have made significant leadership and innovative contributions to their schools and communities and demonstrate the potential to become a leader in society. In addition, students must be: Aboriginal (First Nations, Inuit and Métis); or a person with a disability; or a racialized person.
Amount: 2 awards of $42,000 ($8,250 annually for 4 years of study plus one $9,000 stipend for summer research assistantship)
McArthur-Humphries Scholarship [E0183]
An equal number of awards are available to students from each county. In the case of insufficient eligible applicants from one county, the awards will be given to eligible applicants from the other county. These scholarships are awarded to students with the highest admission averages. Application is not required.
Wilhelmina McArthur-Humphries Trust Fund
Qualification(s): Students entering any degree program with a minimum 75% admission average from Lanark and Wellington Counties.
Amount: 8 awards of $1,000
President's Scholarship [E0238]
Established in 1987 in honour of their donors or distinguished members of the University and are considered one of the most prestigious entrance awards at the University of Guelph. Selection will be made on superior leadership ability and potential as demonstrated through positions held, extra-curricular activities, involvement in high school and communities and reference support. Students apply by January 25 by completing the online application. Short-listed candidates will be invited to campus for an interview. The scholarship will be renewed each year provided recipients remain registered in full-time studies and achieve a minimum 80.0% average in their previous academic year of full-time study and continue to demonstrate the leadership qualities on which the award was given. Recipients must provide an annual report to the President's and Chancellors' Scholarship Selection and Review Committee (PCSSRC) detailing leadership and engagement activities throughout the year. This scholarship cannot be held with the Lincoln Alexander Chancellor Scholarships, the Chancellors’ Scholarships, the Academic Leadership Scholarships, or the Board of Governors’ Scholarships.
A number of President's Scholarships have been named in honour of the following people and/or donors:
Cecil H. Franklin and Ingrid Franklin
In honour of Cecil Franklin, former Chair of the Board of Governors and Honorary Fellow of the University, the University of Guelph has named one of these twelve prestigious entrance awards to recognize his financial contributions and volunteer support to the President's Entrance Scholarship program.
Charles S. Humphrey
In memory of Charles S. Humphrey, a former President of Hart Chemical Company Canada Ltd. and long-time friend, the University has named one of these twelve prestigious entrance awards to recognize his financial contribution through his estate to the President's Entrance Scholarship program.
Jack R. Longstaffe
The University of Guelph has named one of these twelve prestigious entrance awards in memory of Jack R. Longstaffe to recognize his financial contribution through his estate to the President's Entrance Scholarship program.
Burton C. Matthews
The University of Guelph has named one of these twelve prestigious entrance awards in honour of Burton C. Matthews to recognize his insight and leadership in establishing the President's Entrance Scholarship program.
Kathleen and Frederick Metcalf
Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Metcalf of Guelph have endowed this award. After a distinguished career in cable TV, broadcasting and publishing, the late Mr. Metcalf retired as President of Maclean Hunter Ltd. and Chairman of the Board of Maclean Hunter Cable Ltd. He was Honorary Chairman of Maclean Hunter Cable Ltd. and a member of the University of Guelph Heritage Board (1996).
Rol-land Farms Limited
Two of the scholarships are endowed by the four shareholders of Rol-land Farms Limited of Blenheim, Ontario, Hank, Peter, Arthur and Eric Vander Pol and their families. The Vander Pol families are generous supporters of a number of University projects and programs.
Lillian Stewart Usher
The University of Guelph has named one of these twelve prestigious entrance awards in honour of Lillian Stewart Usher a friend of the University to recognize her financial contribution through her estate to the President's Entrance Scholarship program.
Qualification(s): Students entering a degree program with a minimum 90% admission average who have made significant leadership and innovative contributions to their schools and/or communities and demonstrate the potential to become a leader in society.
Amount: 8 awards of $42,000 ($8,250 annually for 4 years of study plus one $9,000 stipend for summer research assistantship)
Project Hero Scholarship [E0979]
The University of Guelph is proud to participate in Project Hero. Project Hero started in 2009 by Retired General Rick Hillier and Honorary Lt. Colonel Kevin Reed and is a unique program providing undergraduate scholarships to children of fallen soldiers. Canadian citizens/permanent residents entering or registered full-time in any degree program who are dependent children of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces personnel deceased while serving in an active mission or First Responder personnel deceased during active duty . “Dependent” children are under the age of 26. The restriction of 25 years does not apply to a physically or mentally disabled child who is over 25 years of age and who had this condition and was a dependent of the employee before the age of 26. Eligibility to participate in this program will be determined by Canadian Armed Forces criteria through confirmation from the Department of National Defense or in the case of First Responders, through the supporting documentation submitted. This award can be held with the University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship, however, students who receive other Entrance Awards (scholarship or bursaries) will have the value of the Project Hero reduced by the value(s) of the other award(s). You can apply for this scholarship by sending an email to awards@uoguelph.ca indicating that you are a dependent child of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces personnel deceased while serving in an active mission and include your parent's full name OR you are a dependent child of a First Responder personnel deceased during active duty; include supporting documentation confirming the parent perished during active duty as well as confirmation of death. Once approved for this scholarship, you do not need to re-apply.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Canadian citizens/permanent residents entering or registered full-time in any degree program who are dependent children of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces personnel deceased while serving in an active mission or First Responder personnel deceased during active duty.
Amount: Several awards that include tuition and fees for up to Bachelor of Arts, plus $8000 toward 1st year living expenses
Shu Wei Chen Entrance Scholarship [E1167]
Alumnus Chase Tang has generously created this award in honour of his mother, Shu Wei Chen. Apply by April 15th to Student Financial Services (awards@uoguelph.ca) by submitting a short point-form document outlining volunteer experience at school and/or in the community. Selection will be based on the highest admission average.
Chase Tang
Qualification(s): Students entering any program at the University of Guelph. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated involvement in volunteer activities.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Ted Morwick Scholarship [E0796]
Established by Ted Morwick, honorary alumni. The student with the highest admission average will be selected. This award is conditional on maintaining a 80% average in the previous year of full time study. If a current award recipient does not meet the renewal criteria for one year, they will be given the opportunity to re-qualify. (i.e. The student recipient does not maintain 80% in their first year. They will not receive the award for their second year of school. If at the end of their second year they have raised their average back up to 80% or higher, they would receive the award for their third year.) If a student does not qualify for two years in a row, they would fully lose the award, with no opportunity to re-qualify. This scholarship is not tenable with the Chancellors', President’s or Board of Governors' Scholarships. No application is necessary.
Mr. Edward (Ted) Morwick
Qualification(s): Students entering any degree program in the College of Arts.
Amount: 4 award of $8,000 (payable over four years.)
University of Guelph Entrance Scholarships [E0291]
The value of this scholarship is determined by the admission average as calculated by Admission Services and will be offered with your offer of admission to Guelph. The scholarship will be applied directly to the student's financial account in two equal payments in the fall and winter semesters. Application is not required.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Students entering their first year of post-secondary studies for the first time with a minimum 85.0% admission average.
Amount: Several awards of $2,000, Several awards of $3,000
W. Penri Morris Memorial Scholarship [E0430]
Established by the family in memory of Penri Morris, who was killed World War II action in 1944 at the age of 21. Penri grew up on the family fruit farm near Forest, Ontario. After graduating from high school, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force and was attached to the Royal Air Force Bomber Command as a navigator at the time of this death. Awarded to the student with the highest cumulative academic performance above 75% in all courses of the last year in high school study (full-time or equivalent study). Application is not required.
Prof. Rosalina Morris
Qualification(s): Students entering first year of any undergraduate program from North Lambton Secondary School in Forest, Ontario, in their absence, from Lambton County, and their absence, from Ontario.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Walter and Halina Slabikowski Scholarship [E0766]
This scholarship was established in memory of Walter and Halina Slabikowski who sent their first generation Canadian born children to university to enrich their lives and provide them with greater opportunities. The award will be given to the student with the highest admission average. The residence deposit must be received by published deadline date. Submit by email to awards@uoguelph.ca your full name, student ID number and a statement attesting to your parents’ place of birth and non participation in post secondary education by April 15th.
Irene Thompson and Slabikowski Family
Qualification(s): Students entering any degree program planning to live in a Guelph campus residence whose parents immigrated to Canada and have never participated in post secondary studies.
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Waterloo-Wellington Science & Engineering Fair (WWSEF) Scholarship [E0619]
Established to recognize excellence of the project submissions and encourage students to pursue university studies at the University of Guelph.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Gold medal winners in the Senior Entries classification (WWSEF) that are registered in year one of any degree program at the University of Guelph.
Amount: various awards of $1,000
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1