X. Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (BPCH)

Department of Chemistry, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Major (Honours Program)

Students may enter this major in Semester 1 or any semester thereafter. A student wishing to declare the major may wish to consult the Faculty Advisor. This major will require the completion of 20.00 credits as indicated below:

Semester 1
BIOL*1090 [0.50] Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology
CHEM*1040 [0.50] General Chemistry I
IPS*1500 [1.00] Integrated Mathematics and Physics I
0.50 Liberal Education electives
Students who are lacking one 4U /grade 12 course in Biology, Chemistry or Physics must take the equivalent introductory course in first semester. The required first-year science courses in that subject should be completed according to the revised schedule of studies available at: https://www.uoguelph.ca/bsc/revised_SS
Semester 2
CHEM*1050 [0.50] General Chemistry II
IPS*1510 [1.00] Integrated Mathematics and Physics II
One of
BIOL*1070 [0.50] Discovering Biodiversity
BIOL*1080 [0.50] Biological Concepts of Health
0.50 Liberal Education electives
Semester 3
BIOC*2580 [0.50] Introduction to Biochemistry
CHEM*2060 [0.50] Structure and Bonding
CHEM*2880 [0.50] Physical Chemistry
One of
MBG*2040 [0.50] Foundations in Molecular Biology and Genetics
STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I
0.50 electives or restricted electives
Semester 4
CHEM*2070 [0.50] Structure and Spectroscopy
CHEM*2700 [0.50] Organic Chemistry I
CHEM*2400 [0.75] Analytical Chemistry I
MICR*2420 [0.50] Introduction to Microbiology
One of
MBG*2040 [0.50] Foundations in Molecular Biology and Genetics
STAT*2040 [0.50] Statistics I
Semester 5
BIOC*3570 [0.75] Analytical Biochemistry
CHEM*3750 [0.50] Organic Chemistry II
One of:
CHEM*3640 [0.50] Chemistry of the Elements I **
0.50 electives or restricted electives *
One of:
TOX*3300 [0.50] Analytical Toxicology ***
0.50 electives or restricted electives *
Electives or restricted electives to a maximum of 2.75 total credits in this semester*
** CHEM*3640 is a prerequisite for CHEM*3650
*** TOX*3300 is a subsitute for CHEM*3430 in Semester 6
Semester 6

Select either Option A or Option B

Option A (at Guelph)
BIOC*3560 [0.50] Structure and Function in Biochemistry
CHEM*3430 [0.50] Analytical Chemistry II: Instrumental Analysis
CHEM*3650 [0.50] Chemistry of the Elements II
CHEM*3760 [0.50] Organic Chemistry III
0.50 electives or restricted electives *
Option B (at Seneca)

2.50 credits from:

XSEN*3030 [0.50] Pharmacology and Applied Toxicology
XSEN*3040 [0.50] Occupational Health and Chemistry
XSEN*3060 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Analysis - Advanced
XSEN*3070 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Product Formulations
XSEN*3090 [0.50] Biopharmaceuticals
XSEN*3200 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
XSEN*3210 [0.50] Introduction to Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Note: All XSEN courses are taught at the Seneca@York campus of Seneca College in Toronto.
Semester 7
One of:
CHEM*4730 [0.50] Synthetic Organic Chemistry
CHEM*4740 [0.50] Topics in Bio-Organic Chemistry
2.00 electives or restricted electives *
Semester 8
2.50 electives or restricted electives *
* Restricted Electives

**Students are advised to pay particular attention to pre-requisite requirements when choosing individual courses, and seek advice as needed.

  1. 0.50 credits from the following:

    MCB*2050 [0.50] Molecular Biology of the Cell
    TOX*2000 [0.50] Principles of Toxicology
  2. A minimum of 1.50 credits at the 4000 level and 2.50 credits at the 3000/4000 level from the following list:

    BIOC*3560 [0.50] Structure and Function in Biochemistry
    BIOC*4520 [0.50] Metabolic Processes
    BIOC*4540 [0.75] Enzymology **
    BIOC*4580 [0.50] Membrane Biochemistry
    BIOM*3090 [0.50] Principles of Pharmacology **
    BIOM*3200 [1.00] Biomedical Physiology
    BIOM*4090 [0.50] Pharmacology **
    CHEM*3360 [0.50] Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
    CHEM*3440 [0.50] Analytical Chemistry III: Analytical Instrumentation
    CHEM*3640 [0.50] Chemistry of the Elements I
    CHEM*3650 [0.50] Chemistry of the Elements II **
    CHEM*3760 [0.50] Organic Chemistry III
    CHEM*4010 [0.50] Chemistry and Industry
    CHEM*4400 [0.50] Advanced Topics in Analytical Chemistry
    CHEM*4630 [0.50] Bioinorganic Chemistry **
    CHEM*4720 [0.50] Organic Reactivity **
    CHEM*4730 [0.50] Synthetic Organic Chemistry **
    CHEM*4740 [0.50] Topics in Bio-Organic Chemistry
    CHEM*4900 [1.00] Chemistry Research Project I **
    CHEM*4910 [1.00] Chemistry Research Project II **
    MBG*3040 [0.50] Molecular Biology of the Gene **
    MBG*3350 [0.75] Laboratory Methods in Molecular Biology **
    MCB*4050 [0.50] Protein and Nucleic Acid Structure **
    MICR*3230 [0.50] Immunology
    NUTR*3210 [0.50] Fundamentals of Nutrition
    PATH*3610 [0.50] Principles of Disease
    TOX*4590 [0.50] Biochemical Toxicology **
    XSEN*3030 [0.50] Pharmacology and Applied Toxicology
    XSEN*3040 [0.50] Occupational Health and Chemistry
    XSEN*3060 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Analysis - Advanced
    XSEN*3070 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Product Formulations
    XSEN*3090 [0.50] Biopharmaceuticals
    XSEN*3200 [0.50] Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
    XSEN*3210 [0.50] Introduction to Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Credit Summary (20.00 Total Credits)

4.00 - First year science credits

6.50 - Required science courses semesters 3 – 8

5.00 - Restricted electives (#1 and 2 in restricted electives list)

0.50 - Approved Science electives

1.00 - Liberal Education electives

3.00 - Free electives - any approved elective for B.Sc. students. (could be less if restricted electives do not count as science)

Of the total credits required, students are required to complete 16.00 credits in science of which 2.00 credits must be at the 4000 level and an additional 4.00 credits must be at the 3000 or 4000 level.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1