IV. Admission Information
English Proficiency
Lectures, seminars and examinations in the University are, for the most part, conducted in English and it is essential that all students have an adequate knowledge of written and spoken English in order for them to be successful in their university studies. Applicants for admission will be required to present evidence of English proficiency if:
their primary or first language (meaning the language first learned as a child) is not English; and
they have had fewer than four years of full-time secondary or post-secondary study, demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, in an English-language school system
Francophone Canadian citizens educated in Canada will not be required to meet the English Language Proficiency Requirement. Students who have completed the International Baccalaureate diploma where English was the language of instruction will be considered as having met the English Proficiency Requirement. Students who successfully complete the Advanced Level of the English Language Certificate program at the University of Guelph will be considered as having met the English Proficiency requirement for undergraduate studies; for more information, visit the website at: http://www.eslguelph.ca/. The University reserves the right to deny admission to applicants who do not demonstrate satisfactory facility in English, regardless of academic qualifications.
Applicants required to meet the English Proficiency Requirement must do so by submitting the required scores in one of the following tests or battery of tests as outlined in points 1-7. Test results must be submitted to Admission Services prior to admission by the published document deadline.