Undergraduate Award Search

Dr.Ralph and Joanne Watt Travel Grant [T2255]

Donor(s):Sandy Watt
Value:1 award of $2,000
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
  • Apply By Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
Deadline:Fall call from the OVC Deans office
  • Canadian-PR-PP

Apply during the fall call for applications from the OVC Dean’s office by submitting a CV and a one-page letter listing your learning objectives for the rotation, explaining how they will contribute to your understanding of equine practice. Selection will be based on the most significant demonstration that the external rotation will support their learning objectives and contribute to their understanding of equine practice. In the case of equally qualified candidates, selection will be based on the highest program average.

Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons registered in Phase 4 of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program in the Equine Stream, who will be traveling to participate in an external equine rotation within Canada.