Graduate Award Search

Arrell Food Institute Scholarships [E5966]

Donor(s):The Arrell Family Foundation
Value:3 awards of $50,000/year for up to two years for Masters students. (3 equal payments per year, at the beginning of each semester for the duration of the award.
Awarded:In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive
Deadline:March 15
  • Canadian-PR-PP
  • Non-Canadian-PR-PP

The Arrell Food Institute Scholarships are available to masters students to support research focused on agriculture and food. Applicants are expected to have applied for admission, including the submission of two referee assessments and all transcripts of study undertaken by the application deadline, to an eligible graduate program submitted by March 15 annually. Scholarship application materials will be submitted online by submitting the Arrell Food Institute Scholarship application form (statement of research and personal motivation (2-page maximum with additional 1-page citations list), CV, unofficial transcripts, names and institutional or professional emails of 2-3 references, proposed AFI Chair supervisor or co-supervisor). Selection will be based on outstanding academic achievement; Relevance of proposed research and personal motivation to the vision of the Arrell Food Institute; Evidence of involvement and experience with community e.g. volunteer, knowledge sharing or otherwise. Scholarship recipients will be supervised or co-supervised by one of the Arrell Chairs and be pursuing a degree in a relevant (Chair’s) department. Award recipients will be expected to register for UNIV*6050 in their first year of study or commit to an equivalent experiential learning opportunity as approved by their supervisor and the AFI Director. Recipients must maintain full-time registration and satisfactory progress in their graduate program. Recipients of the Arrell Scholarships will be known as the Arrell Scholars. Parental leave or other caring responsibilities will be considered under the normal terms offered by the University of Guelph. Deferral of start will be considered for one year subject to the Supervisor’s agreement and a justification rationale. It is preferred that six months’ notice of any deferral is given unless circumstances preclude that. Students awarded an Arrell Scholarship at the Master’s level who subsequently apply for and transfer to Doctoral studies are permitted to do so, subject to the prior approval of the Supervisor, AVP Graduate Studies, and the AFI Director. Their scholarship will only cover their studies under their original award timeframe (e.g., Masters level for a total of 6 semesters for a total of $100,000, payable in installments of $16,667 per semester or $50,000 per year). The financial implications of the student’s continued Doctoral studies will be borne by the student. Criteria for a single semester scholarship extension will include: a) a significantly detrimental situation that is outside the control of the student in question; b) that the extension has the support of the supervisor and AFI Director; c) that the student is close to finishing their program, and the extension will give them sufficient time to do so; c) a consideration of other sources of financial and practical support available to the student. This scholarship can not be held with the Ontario Graduate Scholarships/QEII-Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology, Trillium Scholarships, the Brock Doctoral Scholarship, Dairy Farmers of Ontario Doctoral Research Assistantship, Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship, or Tri-Council Scholarships, including the Vanier. 60% of awardees will be new students to the University of Guelph (no prior undergraduate degrees at the University of Guelph).

Students entering a full-time Master’s program in the fall semester following the application deadline under the supervision or co-supervision of one of the Arrell Food Institute Chairs, with a minimum first-class (A-) admissions average. The Master’s student’s research must align with the Arrell Food Institute mission, which is to produce more healthy and nutritious food with less negative environmental and social impacts.