This form is used by Graduate students who are registered in Fall ONLY and will not be returning in the Winter semester. You will be considered for the University of Guelph Bursary only. Please note that your registration listed for OSAP/Out of Province government aid must match your NAF and school registration.
This is the form for me if:
I am a domestic full-time graduate student registered in the Fall ONLY (and will not be returning in the Winter semester).
One of the following is true for me
I have a complete and error-free full-time OSAP application on file, meaning that the application and all required documents have been submitted
I am receiving out-of-province government aid
I cannot submit an out-of-province government aid application due to a restriction
I cannot submit an OSAP application due to a restriction below
Non-degree of Academic Transition students
Code 65 OSAP academic restricted students
Applied to OSAP, but was denied due to academic edits
An HRSDC-CSFA OSAP restriction
What documents will I need to provide in the application?
GRA/GTA/GSA confirmation - You must provide funding confirmation in your NAF, for any term that you are registered, even if you are receiving no funding. If you will be registered in Winter and cannot yet confirm funding you must wait until your department can confirm.
Spouse Notice of Assessment, if you are married/common law
Out of Province government aid entitlement summary, if you are receiving out of province government aid
Childcare receipts, if claiming childcare expenses
Financial Need Assessment Form for Fall Only [1] CLOSED for Fall 2024