Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Displaying Results: [621 - 630] of 2003

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2021 Barrett Sustainable Food Engineering Grants

Applications and adjudication are managed by the Research Innovation Office in collaboration with external advisors for the food and packaging industry.


The Barrett Family Foundation has donated $1.5M to create a research fund called “The Barrett...

3 years 7 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
SHARCNET Round XVII Dedicated Programming Competition - Call for Proposals

The dedicated programming support competition provides support for computational projects of exceptional potential that will have lasting impact and value and that require significant support from SHARCNET to proceed. Applications are encouraged that satisfy the programme objectives and priority...

3 years 7 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
NSERC Science Exposed Photo Contest

Science Exposed is a contest organized by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and devoted exclusively to images of scientific research, in all fields of study. In 2016, NSERC was proud to collaborate with the Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas) and...

3 years 7 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Tier 1 Research Program - Call for Full Proposals

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance requests Full Proposals that address OMAFRA’s research priorities. Full Proposals must address research questions in the following research priority areas:

  • Protection and Assurance
    • Food Safety
    • Animal Health...
3 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
GLFC: 2021 Pre-proposals for Fishery and Sea Lamprey Research Programs

Pre-proposals for the Fishery Research Program and Sea Lamprey Research Program are being accepted until January 15, 2021. Please review the call for proposals before submitting your pre-proposal. Pre-proposals should be...

3 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
Imperial Oil - University Research Awards Program 2020

University research awards are designed to encourage research at Canadian universities in areas of interest to Imperial Oil's petroleum, petrochemical and energy resource development businesses. These areas include the fields of engineering, environmental, earth, chemical, and physical sciences...

3 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
CIHR - Team Grant: Diabetes Mechanisms and Translational Solutions

As part of 100 Years of Insulin: Accelerating Canadian Discoveries to Defeat Diabetes, the Team Grants in Diabetes Mechanisms and Translational Solutions will support multi-disciplinary research to better understand the underlying causes and pathophysiology of diabetes, and develop...

3 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
CIHR: ECIs in Maternal, Reproductive, Child & Youth Health - Operating Grant

This funding opportunity is a collaboration between two CIHR institutes with a goal to build research capacity, generate new knowledge, and support knowledge exchange and translation in maternal, reproductive, child and youth health by funding operating grants to early career investigators....

3 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
CIHR - Catalyst Grant: Cannabis and Mental Health

The purpose of this current funding opportunity is to strengthen the evidence base and expand cannabis research related to mental health, to build cannabis-related research capacity and/or to inform the development of future larger-scale research projects. Lived experience perspectives...

3 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
Lab2Market: Canada's Research Commercialization Program

The Lab2Market Program is designed to help researchers validate their ideas with the purpose of finding business/commercial value. The program is based on similar programs that have found success in other parts of the world, but with a Canadian twist.

Applications are now open for...

3 years 8 months ago
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering
  • Social Sciences