Health and Life Sciences

Displaying Results: [431 - 440] of 2694

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Title Posted Category
Governor General's International Award in Canadian Studies 2023

The Governor General's International Award for Canadian Studies is intended for a scholar who has made an outstanding contribution to scholarship and to the development of Canadian Studies internationally.

1 year 8 months ago Honours and Awards
NSERC Awards for Science Promotion 2023

The NSERC Awards for Science Promotion focus on people and groups who are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.

Science promotion activities with award potential could include activities such as:

  • Organizing science...
1 year 8 months ago Honours and Awards
Faculty Information Exchange Series 2022-2023: Financial Reporting System – live demo for researchers

Led by:

  • Amanda Sawlor, Director, Research Financial Services

Research Financial Services will provide an overview of the Financial Reporting System (FRS), including some tips and suggestions about the My Grants Tracker tool, as well as...

1 year 8 months ago Workshops and Events
Imperial Oil - University Research Awards Program 2022

Educational institution research awards are designed to encourage research at Canadian universities and colleges in areas of interest to Imperial Oil's petroleum, petrochemical and energy resource development businesses. These areas include the fields of engineering, environmental, earth,...

1 year 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CAAIN - Livestock Innovation Program

The 2022/23 CAAIN competition for the Livestock Innovation Program has been developed to foster technological advances in livestock production and primary processing. The goal of this program is to support research and development to enhance efficiency in livestock...

1 year 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Great Lakes Fishery Commission: Pre-proposals for Fishery and Sea Lamprey Research Programs, 2023

Pre-proposals for the Fishery Research Program and Sea Lamprey Research Program are being accepted until January 15, 2023. Please review the call for proposals before submitting your pre-proposal. Pre-proposals should be submitted through the online system, which contains...

1 year 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Dairy Farmers of Canada: Dairy Production Research Funding Program 2023


DFC’s Dairy Production Research Funding Program offers financial support for research projects in the area of dairy farm sustainability and animal health, care and welfare. Projects are peer-reviewed and evaluated by an expert committee comprised of renowned...

1 year 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
NSERC Alliance Workshop November 15th, 2022

On behalf of the University of Guelph, the Office of Research Services, Research Innovation Office, and College Research Managers from CEPS, OAC, OVC and CBS, we are pleased to host representatives from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Ontario Centre for...

1 year 8 months ago Workshops and Events
Cancer Research Society - 2023 Operating Grants

Operating grants are the primary means by which the Cancer Research Society supports fundamental, early translational and environment-cancer research activities on all types of cancer, contributing to the advancement of science aimed at preventing, detecting and treating this...

1 year 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Funding - Fall 2022 Call for Proposals

Mitacs Elevate is a postdoctoral fellowship with an exclusive professional development curriculum component. Fellows address complex challenges through:

  • a two-year research project with a partner organization in need of high-level expertise;
  • a professional...
1 year 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News