Health and Life Sciences

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RAIMS brown bag lunch for October 2015

The Office of Research is hosting monthly, informal, drop-in brown bag lunches to talk about RAIMS.  This is an opportunity to connect with the RAIMS team and other users, provide feedback and get your questions answered.  

All welcome!


8 years 8 months ago Workshops and Events
Research Ethics Workshop - February 2016

Are you undertaking research involving humans?

Do you need help navigating the research ethics process?

Do you have ethics questions or issues you’d like to discuss?

Bring your questions for a presentation and discussion with the Director of...

8 years 8 months ago Workshops and Events
Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI) – Prevention Research Grants

The goal of this grant program is to support and accelerate research and the application of new knowledge with imminent application potential relevant to cancer prevention in human populations. Proposed projects must demonstrate a specific and defined potential for impact on cancer incidence,...

8 years 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) - Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP)

The PDEP provides funds to support the career development activities for underrepresented minority postdoctoral fellows in a degree-granting institution (an institution includes its affiliated graduate and medical schools, hospitals and research institutions) in the United...

8 years 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Call for Applications to the CQDM Quantum Leap Strategic Initiative

The CQDM Quantum Leap strategic initiative, launched in February 2014, is open to the Canadian scientific community. With this new pilot initiative, CQDM will continue to address important gaps in the drug research and development (R&D) process, while...

8 years 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Call for Letters of Intent: CQDM Brain Canada Funding Program 2015

Co-funded by CQDM and Brain Canada, the national funding program Focus on Brain aims at developing cutting-edge technologies, platforms or tools with immediate and strong impact on the R&D process of new drugs that prevent, treat or cure disorders of the brain, nervous system and special...

8 years 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
RAIMS Project Update for October, 2015

Implementation Planning

Project scope, resource requirements, governance, communications and training plans have been defined and the Implementation Plan has been drafted.  These are under review and to be finalized in November, 2015.


8 years 8 months ago Research Management and Support
GIST Sarcoma Life Raft Group Canada - Glenita Mungcal GIST Research Studentship 2016

GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour) is a rare sarcoma that can occur anywhere along the GI tract.  Until recently, GIST was little understood, misclassification was common, and prognosis was poor. Now, discoveries concerning the origin and development of GIST have completely changed the...

8 years 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
State-of-the-art research e-system launched at the University of Guelph

By Liz Snyder

The Office of Research has launched a new project to implement a state-of-the art database and web portal that is accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

This new system – currently named Research Administration and Information Management System (RAIMS) --...

8 years 8 months ago Research Management and Support
California Table Grape Commission – 2016-17 Health Research Grant Program – Letter of Intent (LOI)

The California Table Grape Commission seeks to fund research projects that assess the benefits of table grapes to human health, using a freeze-dried powder made from fresh grapes.  Research should focus on the beneficial effects of grapes as a food, in pursuit of health.

8 years 8 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News