Displaying Results: [461 - 470] of 1454

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Title Posted Category
SSHRC Partnership Grants: Stage 1 | 2022 Competition

Partnership Grant proposals are expected to respond to the objectives of the Insight program, or the ...

3 years 3 weeks ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
IC-IMPACTS Call for Proposals on Food Security, 2021

The primary purpose is to fund early career researchers to a one-year grant to explore collaborative opportunities with their Indian counterparts. The funds are related to developing solutions to our pressing problems of food insecurity. Both Research (Stream 1) and Demonstration Projects (...

3 years 3 weeks ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Special Call for New Frontiers in Research Funds (NFRF) - Innovative Approaches to Research in the Pandemic Context

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a documented disruptive effect on researchers’ ability to continue planned research activities, particularly community and field-based research. However, the pandemic also provides a unique opportunity to explore new directions in research methodologies, such as...

3 years 1 month ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Stem Cell Network - 2022-2025 Research Funding Competition

The Stem Cell Network (SCN) is pleased to launch a new multimillion-dollar national research funding competition to support world-class, translational, regenerative medicine research, across the research continuum, to facilitate health, social and economic benefits for Canadians.


3 years 1 month ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Updated research-related travel guidelines

As Ontario moves into Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen, and following Public Health guidelines, the University is slightly easing international research-related travel restrictions for faculty, postdoctoral fellows and research staff.

Requests for international research-related travel...

3 years 1 month ago Research Policies and Guidelines
Morris Animal Foundation - 2021 Call for Wildlife Proposals

The Morris Animal Foundation is now accepting proposals for the Established Investigator, First Award, Fellowship Training and Pilot Study grants on topics relevant to animal health in coastal wetland ecosystems.

Topic Summary: Proposals for the Wildlife request for proposals should...

3 years 2 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Volvo Environment Prize 2022

Since the first award in 1990 the Volvo Environment Prize has become one of the scientific world’s most respected environmental prizes. The Volvo Environment Prize is awarded for outstanding innovations or scientific discoveries, which in broad terms fall within the...

3 years 2 months ago Honours and Awards
Morris Animal Foundation - 2021 Call for Pilot Studies Addressing Equine Behavior

The Morris Animal Foundation is now accepting proposals for pilot studies addressing equine behavior. This request is part of the Foundation’s Donor-Inspired Study Program and this request is being funded by Dr. Wendy Koch, who has supported the Morris Animal Foundation for 30 years.


3 years 2 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Morris Animal Foundation - 2021 Call for Equine Colic Proposals

The Morris Animal Foundation is now accepting proposals for Established Investigator, First Award, Fellowship Training and Pilot Study grants on topics relevant to equine colic. The mission of the Morris Animal Foundation is to bridge science and resources to advance the health of animals....

3 years 2 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
New Frontiers in Research Funds (NFRF) - Exploration Grant 2021

The objective of the Exploration stream is to support high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research. It seeks to inspire projects that bring disciplines together beyond traditional disciplinary or common interdisciplinary approaches by research teams with the capacity to explore...

3 years 2 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News