Displaying Results: [521 - 530] of 1455

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Title Posted Category
Hearing Restoration and Rare Cancers Research Programs

The following funding opportunities are anticipated:


Hearing Restoration Research Program

  • Focused Research Award

Rare Cancers Research Program

  • Concept Award
  • Idea Development Award
  • Resource and Community...
3 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship 2021

Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Fellowships are awarded through two annual competitions: one open to citizens and permanent residents of the United...

3 years 5 months ago Honours and Awards
Foundations of Intellectual Property

Bring your creations to life. Learn why intellectual property matters.
Innovation starts with an idea—your idea. Are you developing your idea into something tangible such as building a brand for your business or creating a product to sell? If so, then you need to know about...

3 years 5 months ago Workshops and Events
New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization: Inaugural Funding Opportunity

Pre-Announcement Of Inaugural Funding Opportunity

NDRIO has provided preliminary information regarding its upcoming $20M Inaugural Funding Opportunity (IFO). The IFO aims to build national research capacity and deliver on ...

3 years 5 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Order of Ontario 2021

The Order of Ontario is the province’s highest honour. It is reserved for Ontarians from all fields of endeavour and backgrounds, whose excellence has left a lasting legacy in the province, Canada and beyond. Members of the Order are a collective of Ontario’s finest citizens, whose contributions...

3 years 5 months ago Honours and Awards
Workshop: How to Write for Conversation Canada

Conversation Canada is a national, daily, online publication that delivers analysis and explanatory journalism from the academic and research community directly to the public. It’s a not-for-profit collaboration where professional editors work...

3 years 6 months ago Workshops and Events
MCU - Early Researcher Award

The Early Researcher Awards program gives funding to build a research team. To be competitive, researchers are encouraged to be actively involved in conducting research that has been supported by peer-reviewed funding and to demonstrate academic independence from previous supervisors.


3 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Canada's Top 40 Under 40 - Nominations 2021

Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 is a dynamic awards program that identifies outstanding young achievers in Canadian business, visionaries and innovators changing the way things are done. They are inspiring others and already giving back to their communities and to Canada. And every one of them is under...

3 years 6 months ago Honours and Awards
Human participant face-to-face research - vulnerable populations

Further to our previous communication regarding bringing human participant face-to-face research safely back online, we have updated our human participant face-to-face documents with new information about vulnerable populations. These updates include:

  • Research involving...
3 years 6 months ago Research Policies and Guidelines
AMS Healthcare: Compassion and Artificial Intelligence Small Grant

Technology will transform healthcare in ways we are only beginning to understand and healthcare’s readiness to embrace this transformation – and ability to translate technology opportunities into sustainable solutions to the most pressing issues in healthcare – will be the central challenge for...

3 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News