Displaying Results: [2031 - 2040] of 2069
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View Edit Canadian High Arctic Research Station – Full proposal deadlines update The Canadian High Arctic Research Station’s (CHARS) pan-northern S&T program has launched its’ first call for Proposals. This first CFP’s will initiate elements of the CHARS program by requesting proposals that will: strengthen monitoring in northern Canada; and fill research gaps in... |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
Grand Challenges Explorations Round 14 The GCE initiative funds innovative ideas that could lead to new vaccines, diagnostics, drugs, and other technologies targeting diseases that claim millions of lives every year, as well as improvements and innovations in agriculture development and others of the Bill & Melinda Gates... |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
CBCF – Stand Up to Cancer Canada (SU2C Canada) The successful Dream Team will develop a translational cancer research project that addresses critical problems in breast cancer patient care. The project must include new anti-cancer therapeutic interventions for breast cancer that would be expected to improve progression free and/or overall... |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
2014 Large Scale Applied Research Project Competition: Genomics and Feeding the Future *amended July 31, 2014 *Deadlines amended July 31, 2014 Genome Canada launched a Request for Applications (RFA) on June 16, 2014, and is seeking proposals for large-scale research projects which focus on the application of genomics in the area of Agri-Food and Fisheries and Aquaculture. The competition will be... |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
CCSRI – Knowledge to Action Grants 2015 This Knowledge to Action Grant has been created to encourage ideas that will close the gap between what is known from research and what is done with that knowledge. These grants are intended to provide funding for research projects that build on existing cancer... |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
NSERC Discovery Frontiers – Call for Letters of Intent NSERC is pleased to announce that the latest call for proposals through the Discovery Frontiers (DF) initiative has been launched. This third call for proposals is in the area of New Materials for clean energy and Energy efficiency. Discovery Frontiers grants are initiatives that identify and... |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
OSSU IMPACT Awards 2014 The new research funding competition will support patient-oriented research projects that advance the science of implementation research and facilitate knowledge translation and exchange in the areas of prevention, care in the community and at home, and health system sustainability. |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
CCSRI – Prevention Research Grants 2014 The goal of this grant program is to support and accelerate research and the application of new knowledge relevant to cancer prevention. Proposed projects must demonstrate a specific and defined potential for impact on cancer incidence, multidisciplinary collaboration is encouraged. |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
CCSRI – Innovation Grant (1st Competition) The purpose of this funding initiative is to support unique, creative research ideas that will impact cancer. Although this grant program is primarily designed to support the biomedical, translational and clinical research communities, applications from all areas and disciplines of cancer... |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |
CCSRI – Innovation to Impact Grants 2015 These grants are intended to support the further development of successful findings based on the goals originally explored through a CCSRI Innovation Grant. This limited 2nd phase of funding is available to build upon significant findings from a successful Innovation Grant |
10 years 3 weeks ago | Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News |