Displaying Results: [921 - 930] of 1954

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Caution: Cyber Security for COVID-19 Researchers

This is a follow up to the March 20th Research Alert circulated to advise of an active and sophisticated cyber security campaign specifically targeting COVID-19 researchers.

Last week, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) provided additional information...

4 years 3 months ago Research Management and Support
2020 Large-Scale Applied Research Project (LSARP) Competition: Genomics Solutions for Natural Resources and the Environment

Genome Canada, together with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), has announced a Request for Applications (RFA) for the 2020 Large Scale Applied Research Project Competition “Genomics Solutions for Natural Resources and the Environment”. The Competition aims to support applied research projects...

4 years 3 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Data Management Workshop

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance is committed to fostering sound data management practices to facilitate new agri-food and rural research.

To assist researchers with the development of a data management plan (DMP), the McLaughlin Library is leading a workshop to provide an...

4 years 3 months ago Workshops and Events
Opportunity to Participate: Francophone research study

The Francophone Association for the Advancement of Science (ACFAS) is conducting a study on the experience of French-speaking university researchers working in minority contexts in Canada. The study is being funded by Heritage Canada and conducted in collaboration with the Canadian Institute for...

4 years 3 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Statistics Canada Research Data Centre Alternatives: Conducting Research During COVID-19

This webinar will be of particular interest to graduate students and faculty.
Recent physical distancing protocols pertaining to the COVID-19 Pandemic have meant that Statistics Canada Research Data Centre (RDC) researchers need to find alternative ways of carrying out their...

4 years 3 months ago Workshops and Events
Mitacs - Kids Brain Health Network Partnership: Call for Proposals

Mitacs is issuing a CFP in partnership with Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN) to address the needs from children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families. Accelerate internships under this joint Mitacs- Kids Brain Health Network NCE COVID-...

4 years 3 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Ontario Agri-food Innovation Alliance: New Timelines for 2020/21 Tier 1 Proposal Process

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Research Program supports leading research aligned to support strong rural communities, keep our food safe, and develop a prosperous, environmentally sustainable agri-food sector in Ontario.  

It is the goal of the Alliance to start and complete...

4 years 3 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Fiscal Year 2020 Department of Defense - Health Program - Funding Opportunities and Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program - Lung Cancer Pre-application Deadlines Extended

The Department of Defense (DoD) programs managed by the office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) recently released the following Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) Funding Opportunities and extended the Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program Submission deadlines as follows:...

4 years 3 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
NSERC Discovery Grant - Notice of Intent (NOI) for 2021 Competition

The Discovery Grants Program supports ongoing programs of research with long-term goals rather than a single short-term project or collection of projects. These grants recognize the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances. Discovery Grants are considered “grants...

4 years 3 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Virtual Panel: COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment R&D in Canada

The outbreak of COVID-19 evolves quickly, and protecting the health of Canadians is the priority of Canada’s health research and health innovation communities. While there are no therapies available for either the prevention or treatment of COVID-19, Canadians are extremely fortunate to have...

4 years 3 months ago Workshops and Events