Displaying Results: [1841 - 1850] of 1930

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Call for Proposals – Promotion of Rural Economic Development in the Dry Corridor of Honduras

Projects funded under this call for proposals must contribute to the achievement of the following ultimate outcome:

  • Ultimate outcome: Improved economic well-being of small-scale entrepreneurs and producers in the Dry Corridor, especially women, youth and...
9 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
2015-16 Gender Wage Gap Grant Program

The Gender Wage Gap Grant Program (GWGGP) is intended to advance actions to promote equality between women and men  that support efforts to close Ontario's gender wage gap. This call for proposals supports the Government's priority of economic growth by adding to our understanding of the gender...

9 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Health System Research Fund 2016/17 Program Awards Launch Webcast

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) is pleased to announce the launch date of the Health System Research Fund (HSRF) Program Awards will be June 22, 2015.

MOHLTC will also offer a webcast launch event on June 29, 2015 from 1:30-3:00 pm,...

9 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
Webinair du CRSNG sur le Portail de recherche et le CV commun

En préparation pour la présentation des demandes de subvention à la découverte ainsi que les demandes d’outils et d’instruments de recherche, le CRSNG tiendra des webinaires distincts afin de familiariser les participants avec le Portail de recherche et le CV commun (CVC) du CRSNG et de leur...

9 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
NSERC Research Portal and Common CV Webinar

In preparation for the submission of Discovery Grant and Research Tools and Instruments applications, NSERC will host dedicated webinars to walk participants through the Research Portal and the NSERC Common CV (CCV), and to provide practical tips for using the new systems.

First time...

9 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
Séance d’information sur la Politique des trois organismes sur le libre accès aux publications

Le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG), le Conseil de recherches en sciences sociales et humaines du Canada (CRSH) et les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) invitent les membres de la communauté canadienne de la recherche à une séance d’...

9 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
Information session on the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) invite the Canadian research community to an information session on their recently announced...

9 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
NSERC: Community Engagement Webinar

As you may know, NSERC has begun a third round of community engagement visits to provide researchers, students, professors, administrators and other stakeholders an opportunity to learn more about...

9 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Program Information Session

Various programs are available through OCE that provide additional funds to leverage cash and in-kind contributions from industry. In some cases, these programs require only a 1:1  (cash + in-kind) matching from the industry partner to establish the OCE contribution, and in some cases matching...

9 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
MRI - Ontario Research Fund - Research Excellence

The Ontario Research Excellent Fund (ORF-RE) promotes research excellence of strategic value in Ontario by supporting new leading-edge, transformative, and internationally significant research. The ORF-RE focuses of scientific excellence and strong benefits...

9 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News