
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural  Affairs (OMAFRA)


Through a number of different research programs, OMAFRA funds research in seven theme areas:

  1. Agricultural and Rural Policy
  2. Bioeconomy - Industrial Uses
  3. Emergency Management
  4. Environmental Sustainability
  5. Food for Health
  6. Products and Value Chains
  7. Production Systems (Plants and Animals)

The New Directions Research Program (NDRP) is a flexible research program and priorities for the program can shift annually.  The focus of this Call for Proposals is on the expansion of livestock production in Northern Ontario with a particular focus on the Great Clay Belt, specifically along the Highway 11 North corridor between Cochrane and Hearst.  Research will pertain to the environment, economics and social understanding to support sustainable livestock farms in the great Clay Belt.

Research Priority areas for the 2017 Call for Proposals are:

  1. Barriers to Establishment of livestock Farms in the Clay Belt
  2. Changes in Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics Through Land Conversion
  3. Baseline Soil and Water Data and how Dynamics Change Through Land Conversion

Section three of the New Directions  Research Program Document gives a full description of the program research priorities, the Research Program Document can be found on the OMAFRA RMS.  The proposal must clearly demonstrate how the research addresses a stated research priority(ies).

Funding Availability

Projects will be funded up to a maximum of $200,000 including indirect costs

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Up to 36 months

Special Notes

Pre-Submission Consultation will be held on Thursday, May 25, 2017 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in the conference Room at 1 Stone Road West, Guelph.  You can attend in person or by webinar.

To Register please contact:  Tieghan Hunt  - tieghan.hunt@ontario.ca  and indicate if you will attend in person or by webinar.  The consultation will provide an overview of the research program, the priorities, and the RMS on-line application process.  There will also be time for questions. 


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

How to Apply

Applications will be submitted on line thru the OMAFRA Research Management System.  Please submit your application on line and email your proposal to the Research Services office on the same day and include a signed OR5 form.  Your proposal will be reviewed in the Office of Research and the final approval and submission to OMAFRA done by the AVP Research Office.

NOTE:  The NEW Directions Research Program - Northern Livestock Call for Proposals will follow a single stage application process (Full Proposal Only)

For Questions, please contact

For general questions about the program contact Stacy Favrin: stacy.favrin@ontario.ca 519-826-5178.

Office of Research

Linda McCorkindale, Contracts Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Physical Sciences and Engineering