
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)


New Directions Research Program Information


The purpose of the New Directions Research Program is to stimulate the sustainable growth and competitiveness of Ontario's agri-food and agri-business sectors, and to strengthen rural communities. The development of new and alternative products provides potential to increase the diversification of agriculture. New knowledge and new technologies help Ontario's agri-food and agri-business sectors address challenges, expand market opportunities at home and abroad, and support thriving rural communities.riorities for this program can shift annually and reflect key opportunities and challenges facing the agri-food sector and rural communities. Priorities for the 2018-19 call are:

  • Innovation for Ontario's Agricultural Systems and Soils to Reduce Phosphorus Loss
  • Sustainable Livestock Production Using Precision Technologies to Support Compliance and Assurance Systems
  • Disruptive Technologies

All applicants must clearly indicate how the proposed research will address the program priorities. Proposals may not be funded in all priority areas. 


Public and private sector applicants with capacity to perform quality research in the program priority areas are invited to apply.

Maximum Project Value

Maximum $200,000 per project (including 25% indirect costs)

Indirect Costs

25% Indirect Costs are eligible

Project Duration

Up to three years (36 months) in length

Special Notes

A pre-submission consultation is scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at 1 Stone Road Guelph, conference centre room 3. A Webex option is available.  Contact Janette Wood at Janette.wood@ontario.ca and indicate if you will join in person or by webinar.  


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Pre-Submission Consultation.  Please see "Special Notes" section for detail on how to register. 

Internal Deadline

Please submit your Letter of Intent (LOI) online in the RMS and email your signed OR5 form to Research Services at resserv@uoguelph.ca before noon on May 23, 2018. 

External Deadline

Letter of Intent due to OMAFRA.  Electronic submission via the RMS system will be completed by the Office of Research Services.

How to Apply

Researchers apply using the on-line Research Management System (RMS).

If you already have an RMS user name and password, login to your  Researcher Workbench to access the Call document and application form.

The 2018-19 New Directions Research Program call for proposals follows a two-stage application process (letter of intent and full proposal submission).

For Questions, please contact

For questions about the program contact:

Stacy Favrin (stacy.favrin@ontario.ca) 519-826-5178

For questions about the Research Management System contact:

RMS Administrator
Email: RMS@ontario.ca

Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Physical Sciences and Engineering