
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)


Agricultural Clean Technology Program (ACT)

For More Information

For additional information regarding this program, please consult the following links and the attached documents.

Agricultural Clean Technology Program

Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change


AAFC has developed and is responsible for administering the federal Agricultural Clean Technology Program (ACT). The ACT Program responds to the Government of Canada’s priority for a clean environment and sustainable economy through the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, to enable changes required within the Sector to help meet our emissions reduction targets, grow the economy, and build resilience to a changing climate.

Clean technologies are defined as any process, product, or service that reduces environmental impacts through:

  • Environmental protection activities that prevent, reduce or eliminate pollution or any other degradation of the environment;
  • Resource management activities that result in the more efficient use of natural resources, thus safeguarding against their depletion; or,
  • The use of goods that have been adapted to be significantly less energy or resource intensive than the industry standard

The ACT Program provides non-repayable, federal contributions to implement and deliver clean technology projects for the Sector that support activities across the innovation continuum. The innovation continuum ranges from research and development, to technology and knowledge transfer, to commercialization and adoption. These activities and the clean technologies must intend to generate positive impacts on land, water and air, while reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in agricultural production.


Eligible Applicants are:

  • Provincial and Territorial Governments;
  • For-Profit Organizations, incorporated in Canada, they may include:
    • Businesses and/or corporations;
    • Co-operatives;
    • Indigenous groups.
  • Not-for-Profit Organizations, incorporated in Canada, which operate solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation, any other purpose except profit. They may include:
    • Academic institutions;
    • Co-operatives;
    • Indigenous groups.

Eligible activities pertaining to clean technology projects that invest in and/or promote precision agriculture and agri-based bioproducts, which benefit the Sector, are of the following nature and type:

  • Basic and applied research, including public-private collaboration;
  • Developing clean technologies
  • Piloting and evaluating clean technologies;
  • Demonstration and knowledge and technology translation/transfer activities;
  • Commercializing clean technologies;
  • Accelerating adoption of on-farm clean technologies;
  • Sectoral awareness and communication-building activities that promote clean technologies.

Ineligible activities include, but may not be limited to:

  • Activities that do not provide a direct benefit to the Sector;
  • Activities related to aquaponic food production, and to aquaculture, seaweed, fish and seafood production and processing;
  • Development and enforcement of regulations;
  • Automated applications that do not result in GHG efficiencies or other direct environmental benefits (e.g., automated steering systems, robotic milking systems);
  • Renovations, site improvements, leasehold improvements, land lease or purchase, building purchase or construction.

Funding Availability

Total funding available through the ACT Program is $25 million over three years (2018-19 to 2020-21). Activities must be completed by March 31, 2021 to be considered for funding.

Maximum Project Value

Applicants may apply for ACT Program funding for up to 50% of total eligible projects costs, to a maximum of $5 million per project.

Eligible project costs will normally be shared as follows:

  • A maximum contribution of 50% from the ACT Program; and
  • A minimum contribution of 50% from the Applicant.

Projects benefiting the Territories, Northern communities, Indigenous peoples or other underrepresented groups, may receive up to 75% in ACT Program funding toward total eligible project costs. For such projects, costs may be shared as follows:

  • A maximum contribution of 75% from the ACT Program; and
  • A minimum contribution of 25% from the Applicant.

Where the Applicant is a For-Profit or Not-for-Profit Organization, a 10% cash contribution is required from the provincial or territorial government supporting the project.

Significantly in-kind contributions will not be considered in the calculation of project costs as they are not recognized as eligible under the ACT Program.

Indirect Costs

Administrative costs may not exceed 8% of total eligible costs.

Project Duration

Projects having a maximum project duration of three (3) years will be considered. 

To be eligible for reimbursement through ACT, costs must be incurred and paid within the period specified in the contribution agreement, but not before April 1, 2018, or after March 31, 2021.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis starting April 1, 2018, or until funding has been fully committed or otherwise announced by the ACT Program. The ACT Program ends March 31, 2021. Please submit your OR-5, full proposal/budget to the Office of Research (research.services@uoguelph.ca) a minimum of two weeks prior to the intended submission date to AAFC. 

External Deadline

Applicants should submit their completed application package directly, along with any required supporting documents, to: aafc.actprogram-programmetpa.aac@canada.ca

How to Apply

The application package consists of a completed:

  • Project Application Form;
  • Annex A – Work Plan; and,
  • Annex B – Budget 

In addition to the application package, For-Profit or Not-for-Profit organizations applying to the Program must also provide the following supporting documents:

  • A copy of the organization's Certificates or Articles of Incorporation;
  • A copy of the organization’s last two years’ audited financial statements and the most recent financial statement;
  • Project Endorsement Letter / Letter of Support from the provincial / territorial government in the primary project location.

Please submit your completed application package, along with any required supporting documents, to: aafc.actprogram-programmetpa.aac@canada.ca


PDF icon Applicant Guide573.29 KB
PDF icon How To Apply453.4 KB
PDF icon Application Form2.26 MB
PDF icon Work Plan174.12 KB
PDF icon Budget95.33 KB
For Questions, please contact

For more information on the Agricultural Clean Technology Program, or to request an application package, please contact us by:

Office of Research

Carolyn Dowling-Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office

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