
Alberta Innovates and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)


Canadian Emissions Reduction Innovation Network (CERIN)

For More Information

A webinar on Canadian Emissions Reduction Innovation Network (CERIN) will take place on Friday March 15, 2019 at 10:30am. The webinar will provide further information to interested applicants and a forum for Q&A. Those interested in attending can register online via this link.

The CERIN program guide provides full program details and information about how to apply:

Program Guide (English)

Guide du Programme (French)

Additional supporting information can be found here: Emissions Management RD&D & Technology Testing Capacity in Canada Report

To find out more about Alberta Innovates, please visit their website at www.albertainnovates.ca


Alberta Innovates and Natural Resources Canada are investing $12 million ($6 million each) in building technology testing capacity through targeted infrastructure investments at existing facilities or sites within Canada.  Further, this investment seeks to enhance national coordination in emissions reduction through support for Consortia capable of connecting facilities and expertise into an integrated network.

The objective is to establish a world-class Canadian Emissions Reduction Innovation Network (CERIN) that positions Canada as a leader in developing exportable emissions management solutions, and achieving cost-effective emissions reduction and regulatory compliance.

Key Objectives include:

  • National approach to oil and gas emission reduction that brings together expertise and builds capacity in emissions management innovation (R&D, technology testing/validation)
  • Consortia-based delivery that links national expertise through an integrated network
  • Enhanced access to cost-effective third-party technology testing
  • Transparent sharing of results and technology performance data
  • Training and development of next generation highly qualified personnel (HQP) to drive oil and gas sector innovation



Alberta Innovates and Natural Resources Canada’s collaborative $12 million investment will support Consortia that advance national outcomes for improved oil and gas emissions reduction, including targeted technology testing infrastructure at existing facilities or sites in Alberta and nationally. Technology testing infrastructure investments outside of Consortia that fill key gaps will also be considered. 

Testing will cover all areas of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and short-lived climate pollutants  (SLCP) emissions mitigation, including, detection, measurement, reporting, verification and reduction.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is out of scope and proposals related to CO2 reduction will not be accepted.

Eligible recipients may include:

  1. Legal entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada or a Canadian province, including:
    •  For-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as utilities, operators, companies, industry associations, research associations, and standards organizations;
    •  Indigenous organizations and groups;
    •  Community groups;
    •  Canadian academic institutions; and
    •  Consortia comprising any combination of the above.
  2. Provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies, where applicable. 
  3. Federal research centres (eligible for CCITF funding ONLY; NOT eligible for Natural Resources Canada funding).


Consortia will require:

  • A lead convener capable of connecting emissions reduction technology testing facilities, sites, and expertise into an integrated network.
  • Infrastructure investments for key facilities or sites linked to desired emissions reduction outcomes.
  • A robust and sustainable business model for a network that has a long-term vision and fosters collaboration, including with new players as they emerge. Key features should include:
    • A range of testing capabilities covering lab, pilot and field-scale testing;
    • Data-sharing infrastructure that fosters innovation;
    • Effective integration/training of HQP;
    • Ability to mobilize private sector funding;
    • Ability to lower testing costs for companies; and
    • Integration of new infrastructure, assets, facilities or sites that may emerge in the future that enhance the network

Note: Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals for Consortia with broad representation (e.g. industry, academia, research institutes, government).


Funding Availability

Through this Call for Proposals, $12 million has been made available: $6 million each from Alberta Innovates’ Climate Change Innovation Technology Framework (CCITF) Clean Technology Facilities Support Program and Natural Resources Canada’s Innovation and Clean Growth Research, Development and Demonstration Programs.

Maximum Project Value

There is no specific minimum or maximum project cost; the maximum available funding is $12 million.

A maximum of 50% of total project costs (including cash and in-kind support) will be supported through this call for proposals; all remaining funding must come from the applicant and their partners.

Industry funding (either cash or in-kind support) is a requirement. Partnerships with postsecondary institutions are highly encouraged.

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are ineligible for Alberta Innovates funded projects. 

Indirect costs for NRCan funded projects will not exceed 15% of Eligible Expenditures.

Project Duration

There is no specific project duration, however all project tasks must be completed by March 31, 2022

Special Notes

Alberta Innovates funding will target Alberta-based facilities/entities, and support Project components that address capacity gaps within Alberta.

Natural Resources Canada Project funding will address key gaps nationally, in support of a national approach.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit a signed OR5 form along with the draft Expression of Interest to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Deadline for submitting Expression of Interest to sponsor via their web portal. (2pm Mountain Standard Time)

How to Apply

All applications are managed through Alberta Innovates' online portal.

This program has a 4 step application process:

Step 1: Interested applicants are to submit their Expressions of Interest (EOIs) using Alberta Innovates' online portal.

EOIs will be evaluated and successful applicants will be invited to submit a Full Project Proposal for evaluation.

Step 2: Successful applicants are to submit their Full Project Proposal (anticipated submission deadline: early summer 2019) for consideration for funding.

Step 3: Due Diligence Process: Successful projects will undergo a due diligence process

Step 4: Agreement Negotiation and Signing.  Successful applicants will enter into an agreement with Alberta Innovates (grant) or Natural Resources Canada (contribution agreement) to proceed with the Project activities.



For Questions, please contact

For additional information, please contact: 

Paolo Bomben, Senior Manager – Clean Technology Development
(587) 779-2917

Office of Research

Carolyn Dowling-Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering