ALS Canada and Brain Canada
For More Information
For full application details, see the sponsor's Terms of Reference.
The vision of ALS Canada is to achieve “a future without ALS”, and the vision of Brain Canada is “Bold science for brain health”. Both partners have a strong belief that it is crucial that promising doctoral and post-doctoral trainees are nurtured in the early stages of their careers, so they might strive to promote discovery and advancement. Attracting the brightest minds to ALS research will contribute to a succession plan for the Canadian ALS research community and will nurture and support innovative ideas and compelling breakthroughs across the spectrum of brain-related disease.
Doctoral: At the time of application, eligible trainees have applied to, been accepted for, or are within the first three years of a PhD program under the supervision of an investigator who holds an academic position at qualifying Canadian institution.
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Qualifying trainees currently hold, or have secured a postdoctoral position under the supervision of an investigator who holds, an academic position at a qualifying Canadian institution.
Funding Availability
Doctoral Awards: $25,000/year for up to three (3) years
Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards: $55,000/year for up to three (3) years
Indirect Costs
0% per the sponsor's Terms of Reference.
Special Notes
Use of Funds:
- Funds may only be used as stipend/salary support.
- Funds may not be used for employee benefits paid by the host institution.
- Should the fellowship or award be terminated early, any unused funds must be returned to ALS Canada and Brain Canada.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Submit OR-5 and full application to the Research Services Office via email at research.services@uoguelph.ca. | |
External Deadline | Applicants should submit the completed application via email to the ALS Canada Research Team (research@als.ca) as a single PDF file. |