
ALS Canada and Brain Canada

For More Information

For additional information, please see the attached Terms of Reference for

  • Program guidelines
  • Application forms
  • Evaluation criteria


The intent of this award is for ALS Canada and Brain Canada to support a promising postdoctoral fellow or research associate working at a Canadian institution to transition into an independent faculty position contributing to ALS research.

In the effort towards continued pursuance of new ALS treatments, a better understanding of the disease and improved quality of life, it is imperative that promising young investigators are nurtured into a career focused on ALS research. Specialized training of young MDs in both clinical care and research skills related to ALS is crucial to building better clinical infrastructure across Canada. This fellowship is designed to support the further training of a clinician for development of the skills necessary to be a specialist in ALS and to provide experience/training in clinical or basic research relevant to the field.


  • By the time of the funding start date, the applicant should be ready to transition within the next 2-3 years.
  • The applicant must have a PhD; applicants with an MD are also eligible but need to explain why, based on their project and future career plans, the Clinical Research Fellowship is not the appropriate avenue to seek support from ALS Canada and Brain Canada.
  • The postdoctoral portion may be carried out in the individual’s current institution, or another institution approved by ALS Canada and Brain Canada.
  • Non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents training in Canadian labs are eligible to apply, but if awarded, would need to demonstrate they are eligible to work/study in Canada for the duration of the requested funding.
  • All applicants will have demonstrated contributions to research which may or may not have related directly to ALS but proposed future training must be ALS-related.
  • The applicant, either at the postdoctoral or Research Associate level, must demonstrate clear evidence of independent research, showing intellectual contributions to research through his/her publication and presentation record.

Maximum Project Value

  • One fellowship of up to $200,000 total is available for up to two years.
  • A one-year fellowship of $100,000 may be requested if the eligibility criteria are met.
  • Funds may only be used as stipend/salary support, with the expectation that tuition funds are included within. A budget should be submitted to outline the requested support and where no tuition fees are involved appropriate justification for the request should be made.
  • Should the fellowship and/or award be terminated early, any unused funds must be returned to ALS Canada and Brain Canada.


Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Up to 3 years

Special Notes


Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant to submit complete application along with an OR5 form signed by your supervisor to: research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Applicant must submit complete application via email to the ALS Canada Research Team (research@als.ca), as a single PDF file

See attached 'Terms of Reference' for more application and how to apply information

How to Apply

Applications will need to be formatted using standard fonts (Calibri-11, Arial-11, or Times Roman -12), single‐spaced, on a letter-size page with minimum margins of 0.5"/1.27 cm on all sides. The font size for figures and legends must be a minimum of 10 points. Use of a condensed font and spacing is not permitted. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to ensure their submission adheres to these requirements and is received before the deadline.

Please submit your applications for review in the following order:

  1. Cover page
  2. Letter from the applicant (limit 2 pages)
  3. Scientific summary/abstract (limit ½ page)
  4. Research plan (limit 3 pages)
  5. Figures and Tables (optional, limit 1 page)
  6. Budget for first year research allowance
  7. Curriculum vitae of applicant (no page limit)
  8. Curriculum vitae of proposed supervisor (limit 4 pages)

Additional items to be sent directly to research@als.ca:

  1. Letter from the supervisor (limit 2 pages)
  2. Additional letters of support (limit 2 pages each)


PDF icon ALS-Canada-Brain Canada Terms of Reference274.73 KB
For Questions, please contact

David Taylor, PhD Vice President, Research ALS Canada 

Email: research@als.ca

Tel: 416-497-2267 ext. 202

Catherine E. Ferland, PhD Chief Research and Programs Officer Brain Canada Foundation

Email: programs@braincanada.ca

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences