
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)


Linked Standard Research Innovation Grants: Grants awarded to investigators at any level performing research involving two or more unique sites with each site contributing unique expertise, as well as data collection. Applicants must submit a Letter of Intent by September 15 to be eligible to apply.

Distinguished Investigator Innovation Grants: Grants awarded to investigators at the level of associate professor or higher with an established record of research and publication on suicide.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants: Grants awarded to investigators who have received a Ph.D., M.D., or other doctoral degree within the preceding six years and have had no more than three years of fellowship support. Fellows receive a stipend of $46,000 per year and an institutional allowance of $6,000 per year.

Standard Research Innovation Grants: Grants awarded to individual investigators at any level.

Young Investigator Innovation Grants: Grants awarded to investigators at or below the level of assistant professor. These grants must allocate $10,000 ($5,000 per year) of their award for an established suicide researcher to mentor the Young Investigator. AFSP is available to assist you in identifying a suitable mentor.

Pilot Innovation Grants: Awarded to investigators at any level, these grants provide seed funding for new projects that have the potential to lead to larger investigations. These grants typically entail feasibility studies rather than hypothesis-driven research.


See individual grant Policy Document for eligibility requirements.

Funding Availability

Up to $300,000 depending on the individual grant

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Over two years except for Pilot Innovation which is over one or two years


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Submit copy of application along with a completed OR5 form to : research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Applications must be submitted by PI via sponsor online grant application/management system: http://www.afsp.org/research/research-grant-information/apply-2015-research-grant-applications 

More information regarding the six Innovation Grants can be found on the sponsor website.

For Questions, please contact

Questions concerning application requirements should be addressed to grantsmanager@afsp.org

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Social Sciences