
AXA Research Fund


Call for Proposals: Mitigating Risk in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic


In response to the current Covid-19 crisis, the AXA Research Fund Team is launching a flash call for projects: Mitigating risk in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The AXA Research Fund’s mission is to support outstanding researchers committed to improving peoples’ lives through innovative research in areas of Climate & Environment, Health, New Technologies, and Socio-Economics.   This Research Fund is opening a call for projects in the following areas:
  • Protecting vulnerable populations from epidemics and catastrophes, including COVID-19: be it migrants,informal settlements, workers in the informal economy, isolated people, people with disabilities, the elderly
  • Improving data collection and quality in health: how can data and technology help us get out of the crisis, understand it and mitigate it? How can it inform future containment and epidemic control
  • Understanding the effects of confinement and social distancing: what are the effects of confinement and social distancing on society and households? What are the mental health consequences? The social and domestic repercussions?
  • Early warning and preparedness: how do we re-enforce our health infrastructure and ecosystem(including medical devices and drug supply) to be better prepared and how do we protect our health workers and caregivers?
  • Preserving the environment and our health: connections between climate change, biodiversity loss and the origin of viral disease including socioeconomic dynamics leading to infectious disease outbreaks and sanitary crisis; Learnings from COVID-19 for mitigating future related crises in climate and biodiversity
Preference will be given to projects with a local focus and potential applicability on a global scale.


Applicant Eligibility
Applicants should be of the highest caliber and have demonstrated outstanding research achievements, as evidenced by the usual indicators for assessing academic excellence such as research outputs (e.g. publications), research activities (e.g. organizing networks, being involved in communities) and research impact (e.g. policy report, specific recognition through awards, etc.). The AXA grant aims at supporting mid-career researchers between PhD + 6 years and PhD + 10 years maximum.

Institution Eligibility
The project calls are global, however, the AXA Research Fund partners with academic institutions only. Preference will be given to pre-established partnerships. Institutions can present only one candidate per Institution’s department (meaning from the same Institution, one candidate can be put forward by the department of economics, biology...). If 2 candidates or more are put forward by the same Institution’s department, all candidates from the department will be dismissed. Institutions hosting an AXA Chair cannot request for an extra grant for a researcher working on the AXA Chairholder's team.

Maximum Project Value

The AXA grant is awarded for a maximum amount of 250 000€ for the whole duration of the project. Applicants should very carefully identify and justify the duration and cost of the proposed project as needed to meet its objectives. The appropriateness of duration and cost will be a key part of the assessment process. Budget will help cover:
  • Annual salary of the researcher (based on institution internal policy)
  • Salary of PhD students, Post-Docs, research assistants working under the supervision of the Principal Investigator
  • Equipment/ resources (databases, survey costs, consumables, etc.), academic activities (conferences,workshops, fieldwork, etc.)
  • Outreach activities (beyond academic audiences).
Any other type of costs not listed above should be justified in the application template. Work equipment and overhead costs are not eligible for funding. No additional budget will be granted. Host institutions will be expected to participate in general funding with studentships and material resources related to the research program. The Institution should demonstrate this participation in the section dedicated to the budget in the application from. The grant should not substitute for the host institution’s responsibilities vis-à-vis its researchers. As a result, the grant cannot be used to procure basic laboratory and work equipment.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

This exceptional AXA grant is awarded for a period between 12 and 24 months. Longer durations should be precisely justified and should not exceed 36 months in total. Projects selected for funding are expected to start between July and November 2020. Early results should be given in the following 12 months.

Special Notes

Please refer to the Office of Research COVID 19 web-page for directives related to research activities at the University of Guelph.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit a PDF copy of the application, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Academic institutions must send their candidates applications by email to fellowships@axa.com before 10:00am ET (4:00pm Paris time)

How to Apply

For more details on the how to apply, please refer to the guidelines on their website.


PDF icon AXA Research Fund Guidelines Document826.23 KB
For Questions, please contact

For program inquiries, please contact fellowships@axa.com.

Office of Research

Vanessa Knox, Awards and Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
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