
Azrieli Foundatoin


Back on Track from COVID19

For More Information

To access the application form, instructions and timelines, please visit our website.


The “Back on Track from COVID19” funding opportunity addresses the interruption to biomedical research laboratories and clinical research as a result of the COVID19 emergency. The funds are intended to cover additional costs to research incurred by facility shutdown, changes in work plans due to social distancing, assisting graduate student progress to complete research and overall to partially mitigate the loss of promising discoveries and ideas. Any pilot studies that showed promising preliminary data, but were cut short by the COVID19 emergency will be prioritized.

This opportunity is for basic science projects in the area of neuroscience with priority given to those that focus on neural development and NDD, as well as, clinical studies in the area of NDD.

Success in receiving this grant will NOT be based on the merit of the research. The Azrieli Foundation is evaluating these applications based on how our funding can help get the project back on track.

This opportunity does not support:

  • A new project
  • Projects funded for COVID19-related research
  • Projects whose funding has been extended by a funding agency 
  • Delays and issues that are not due to the COVID19 emergency
  • Institutional overhead


Back on Track grants are directed towards clinical researchers and laboratory-based scientists working in the area of neurodevelopmental disorders. This opportunity is open to any researchers, however priority will be given to Early Career Researchers (ECR).

Projects in their final year of funding will be prioritized.

The Back on Track grant will be used to supplement an already awarded peer-reviewed grant/project.

Applicant Eligibility:

  1. Applicant may be a Principal Investigator or Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow holding an independent research award, in their own name, that includes operating funds for the project
  2. Past and current recipients of Azrieli Foundation grants including those through partnerships (Brain Canada, CIHR, CIFAR) are eligible to apply
  3. Applicants may be basic or clinical researchers

Host Institution Eligibility:

Canadian university, hospital or research institute with CRA Charitable Organization designation.

All institutional protocols, licenses and permits related to the research must be valid

Funding Availability

Funds must be used towards projects that are currently funded below CDN$ 100,000/year.

Maximum Project Value

The sponsor will accept requests up to $CDN 10,000.

Indirect Costs

No indirect costs.

Special Notes

Please refer to the Office of Research COVID 19 web-page for directives related to research activities at the University of Guelph.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicants must submit a complete application form and signed OR-5 Form to resserv@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Submit the single PDF document to: science.grants@azrielifoundation.org.

How to Apply

To access the application form, instructions and timelines, please visit our website.

For Questions, please contact

Please send inquiries to: science.grants@azrielifoundation.org

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences