
Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC)/ Canadian Potato Council


Canadian Agri-Science Cluster for Horticulture Potato Research (2018-2023)

For More Information

Material for Canadian Agri-Science Cluster for Horticulture Potato Research (2018-2023) - Call for Expressions of Interest

  • National Research and Innovation Strategy
  • Call for Letters of Intent- Potato Research
  • Letter of Intent Form


The Canadian Agri-Science Cluster for Horticulture is currently exploring the opportunity to establish a third Cluster under the federal government’s next Agricultural Policy Framework. The purpose of the program is to help industry-led agricultural organizations pull together national scientific and technical resources to establish clusters in support of innovation and research. Projects for the program must focus on the pre-commercialization development of new agri products, practices and processes in Canada that will make agriculture more profitable and competitive.

The Canadian Potato Council (CPC) of the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) originally developed a National Potato Research and Innovation Strategy in 2012. During the summer of 2016 additional potato industry stakeholder consultations were conducted to identify key priority areas for research to be considered for the next agricultural policy framework. These updated priorities were adopted by the Canadian Potato Council in November 2016, and have been added as an addendum to the 2012 National Potato Research and Innovation Strategy (attached).

The CPC is seeking letters of intent (LOI) from potato researchers in Canada who would like to participate in the Canadian Agri-Science Cluster for Horticulture 3.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Up to five years from April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2023


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Please note Letters of Intent must be submitted to the sponsor no later than end of business March 31, 2017 (deadline extended from March 23).

How to Apply

This is a two stage application process:

1. Letter of Intent

  • Please complete the attached Letter of Intent Form and return it to David Jones by end of business March 31, 2017 (note deadline has been extended from March 23 deadline), via email to: djones@hortcouncil.ca with the subject line: Potato Research.
  • Researchers are not required to submit their LOI to the Office of Research for approval before submission to the sponsor.  Researchers are asked to send a copy of their LOI to to the Office of Research for information purposes only. An OR-5 is not required at the EOI stage.  Researchers will be notified by the sponsor if they have been invited to submit a full proposal.

2. Full Proposal

  • Only successful applicants will be notified and asked to provide a full research proposal for consideration.  Those invited to submit a full proposal must submit their full proposal to the Office of Research two weeks in advance of the sponsor's deadline with a signed OR-5. 

Information For Co-applicants

If you are part of an application or tram that has been invited to submit a full proposal but are not the lead, please contact the Office of Research as soon as possible

For Questions, please contact

David Jones
Manager, Potato Industry Coordination
Canadian Potato Council/ Canadian Horticultural Council
613-226-4880 ext 207

Office of Research

Angela Vuk, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

Meghan Grimes, Awards and Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

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