
Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the São Paolo Research Foundation (FAPESP)

For More Information

IDRC Website and FAPESP Website


IDRC and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), a state-level scientific granting council in Brazil, signed a cooperation agreement in December 2017 to support joint research projects to develop new opportunities for youth. The agreement’s primary goal is to support knowledge creation and enhance the research capacity of institutions based in the state of São Paulo.   FAPESP and IDRC have shared interests in creating new opportunities for vulnerable groups. For their first collaboration, FAPESP and IDRC are launching this call to generate knowledge, innovation, and evidence to foster the economic inclusion of marginalized youth in Brazil and other Latin American and Caribbean countries.

This Call invites research proposals focussed on Marginalized Youth and Economic Opportunities.

The objective of this Call is to support the generation and systematization of knowledge, innovation and evidence to foster economic inclusion for marginalized youth in Brazil and other Latin American and Caribbean countries. The call will identify promising innovations and support piloting, learning and evaluation. It will also identify innovations that are being implemented and that can be scaled up. The proposal must build a strong learning and evaluation agenda, both for projects piloting new ideas as well as those which propose scaling-up promising interventions. The learning and evidence generated is expected to inform policy debates on what works best to foster the economic inclusion of the most marginalized youth in São Paulo and beyond.

Grants funded by the IDRC-FAPESP partnership are expected to respond to the following specific objectives:

1. Support social innovation, out-of-the-box policies and grassroots practice to foster the economic inclusion of the most disadvantaged youth;

2. Generate evidence on what works to foster vulnerable youth economic inclusion;

3. Foster collaboration between researchers and implementing agencies so that practice and policies are informed by evidence;

4. Contribute to policy debates on national and subnational policies and efforts to address economic exclusion among the most disadvantaged youth;

5. Promote knowledge to foster the implementation of public policies of social relevance, when feasible.


University of Guelph researchers are only eligible as a partner institution for this program. 

Each proposal must have a PI affiliated to higher education and research institutions in São Paulo State (HERI-SP) and a PI from a higher education or research institution from outside of São Paulo State (HERI-LAC).

Funding Availability

FAPESP and IDRC expect to fund up to 3 collaborative proposals selected in this call. 

Maximum Project Value

IDRC and FAPESP will jointly support up to $200,000 (USD) per project selected under this call, for the duration of the grant. IDRC will support each selected project with up to $100,000 (USD) and FAPESP will support each selected project with the equivalent up to $100,000 (USD).

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

24 months

Special Notes

University of Guelph is only eligible as a partner institution for this program  (see HERI-LAC under "Eligibility" section). Therefore, a Technical Cooperation Agreement would be required between U of G and the São Paulo institution lead. Please contact Carolyn Dowling-Osborn at cosborn@uoguelph.ca for more information.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Eligibility Check:

Lead Applicant (São Paulo institution) and U of G applicant interested in submitting proposals, must consult FAPESP and IDRC respectively, regarding their proposal’s eligibility before beginning the joint project formulation. 

Internal Deadline

Submission of Proposals:

Partner Institution (U of G researcher) is required to submit an OR-5 form to resserv@uoguelph.ca along with a copy of the proposed submission.

External Deadline

Lead Applicant (São Paulo institution) must submit full proposal to FAPESP. 

How to Apply

  • The proposal must be prepared as established in the Public Policies Program FAPESP’s page, available at www.fapesp.br/politicaspublicas.
  • The Research project must be written jointly by the Principal Investigator associated with a HERI-SP and the Principal Investigator associated with a HERI-LAC. The Research Project must be written in English and follows the instructions at www.fapesp.br/10446
  • Prior to submission, please refer to the required documents at the Public Policy Program FAPESP’s webpage (www.fapesp.br/politicaspublicas, item 8.1); the following documents must be provided for this call submission, by SAGe:

- Letters of eligibility from FAPESP and from IDRC (from Eligibility Check above)

IDRC Budget document, including the funding requested by the team located outside of Sao Paulo State.

- A Technical Cooperation Agreement between the HERI-SP and the implementing agency in SP must be submitted in the SAGe system by September 03, 2018 (www.fapesp.br/politicaspublicas items 2.1 and 6).

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

Vera Viviane Schmidt

Lucy Gray-Donald

Office of Research

Carolyn Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
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Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences