
Canadian Blood Services

For More Information

For additional information, please visit the Canadian Blood Services website for

  • Program guidelines
  • Application forms
  • Evaluation criteria


The objective of the Canadian Blood Services’ Blood Efficiency Accelerator Award Program is to improve the efficient and appropriate utilization of blood products, while maintaining the safety of the blood system. To achieve this objective, the Program will support innovative research projects that seek new knowledge or accelerate the application of existing knowledge. In the context of this competition, blood product is defined as a therapeutic product derived from the donation of blood or blood components and includes red blood cell and platelet concentrates, plasma and plasma derivatives (including plasma protein products), and hematopoietic stem cells (including those derived from cord blood).

While all applications aimed at improving the efficient and appropriate utilization of Canadian Blood Services’ blood products are encouraged, the current competition will give priority to projects focused on improving procedures and protocols at Canadian hospitals or at Canadian Blood Services that will result in improved utilization of red blood cells, platelets, and plasma products. These improvements may be realized at any point from vein to vein, that is, from the point of blood collection, through the manufacturing, distribution, and blood banking processes, to clinical utilization. Projects with a defined knowledge translation strategy to accelerate the uptake of the study findings or of existing knowledge by the knowledge user group will also be prioritized.


Primary Applicant: The Primary Applicant must be affiliated with a Canadian academic program as a faculty member or with Canadian Blood Services. The Primary Applicant is responsible for submitting the application, delivering the project as approved, and reporting on project progress to Canadian Blood Services.

Team composition: All project teams require at least one Canadian Blood Services employee. All project team members must have a defined role in the project, and their expertise must be clearly required to adequately address project goals. Applicants are encouraged to contact centreforinnovation@blood.ca if help is needed to identify a Canadian Blood Services project team member.

Funding Availability

$60,000 per year for the Blood Efficiency Accelerator Award Program and anticipate funding two (2) projects annually.

Maximum Project Value

maximum $30,0000

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

1 year


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

PI to submit copy of application along with a signed OR5 form to: research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

PI to submit Application Package (Application Form and supporting documents) by email to centreforinnovation@blood.ca. No applications, updates, or additional materials will be accepted after the deadline date.

More information and competition guidelines can be found on the Canadian Blood Services website.

For Questions, please contact

Inquires should be address to the Centre for Innovation at centreforinnovation@blood.ca or by phone at 613-739-2496.

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences