Updated Information

New deadlines

New internal deadline: Wed. Feb. 16, 2022 11:59pm

New external deadline: Wed. Feb. 23, 2022 11:59pm


Canadian Cancer Society (CRS)

For More Information

For additional information, please review the CRS 2022 Program Guidelines for

  • Program guidelines
  • Application forms
  • Evaluation criteria


The Operating Grants Program is the principal means by which the Cancer Research Society (the Society) fulfills its mission to support fundamental, early translational and environment-cancer research in the broad field of cancer to contribute to the advancement of science aimed at preventing, detecting and treating this disease. 

CRS Operating Grants are intended to support Canadian researchers in their pursuit to advance scientific knowledge in the following three (3) areas:

  1. Fundamental/basic cancer research
  2. Early translational cancer research, including preclinical research cellular or animal models, biomarkers for diagnostics and prognosis and imaging
  3. Research studying the environmental causes of cancer including viruses, pollutants, work environment, lifestyle and diet.


Applicants and co-applicants must hold an academic appointment at a Canadian university or accredited institution.

Applicants must have their own laboratory and the possibility of hiring students and postdoctoral fellows.

Postdoctoral fellows, research associates, staff and research scientists without an academic appointment are not eligible to apply.

There must be only one main applicant, Principal Investigator (PI), and one host institution who will be responsible for administering the grant, if awarded. All other applicants are considered co-applicants.

Maximum Project Value

$60,000 per year

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

2 Years

Special Notes

New this year

  • Description of Proposed Project: Applicants are required to include a maximum of five (5) pages for the description of the project with tables and figures embedded
  • Career Status: Select between Young, Mid-Career or Established Investigator.
  • Current and Pending Support: Only the Main Applicant is required to provide information about current and pending support.
  • Abridged Résumé and Publications: Refer to instructions in section below.


Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Application: Applicant to submit a copy of application and complete OR5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Application: Applicant to complete and submit application via online application system proposalcentral.

See attached CRS 2022 Program Guidelines

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

Dajan O'Donnell or Irina Navarrete at grants@src-crs.ca or call 514 861-9227, toll free 1 888-766-2262.

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences