CABHI (Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation)
SPARK Program
For More Information
The mission of the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation is to accelerate the development, validation, commercialization, dissemination and adoption of innovative products, services and best practices to support brain health and aging. Our vision is a world in which people can age in the setting of their choice, maintaining their well-being and independence for as long as possible.
The Spark program is intended to support innovative products and practices informed by the experience of point-of-care staff working with older adults. CABHI invites staff working at Canadian not-for-profit healthcare organizations and Seniors Quality Leap Initiative (SQLI) members to apply for funding to develop or refine their grass-roots, early-stage solutions. Projects involving point-of-care staff testing or evaluating third party innovative solutions in a real-world environment will also be considered for funding under this program.
The lead applicant must be a point-of-care staff member working at an eligible Host organization (a not-for-profit healthcare organization in Canada, or; a member of the Seniors Quality Leap Initiative (SQLI), either in Canada or the United States).
U of G researcher will most likely be involved as a consultant or third party service provider. Please have the lead applicant discuss with CABHI for clarification.
CABHI will review all submitted applications to determine if projects meet the following criteria:
The lead applicant must be a point-of-care staff member working at an eligible Host organization. ‘Point-of-care’ staff perform work that directly affects older adults, and include:
- Healthcare Professionals
- Allied Health Professionals
- Personal Support Workers
- Certified Nursing Assistants
- Support staff (for example dietary aides, housekeepers)
- Home Healthcare aides
- Direct clinical care and/or service staff
- Managers of clinical care delivery
The Host organization employing the lead applicant, which will receive and administer project funding, must be:
- A not-for-profit healthcare organization in Canada, or;
- A member of the Seniors Quality Leap Initiative (SQLI), either in Canada or the United States
If the Host Organization doesn’t own the intellectual property (IP) in the solution being tested or evaluated, then the owner of the IP will be required to provide CABHI with a letter confirming, among other things, that it owns the IP, that Host Organization has the right to use the IP for the project, and that it understands that CABHI will have the right to publicly disseminate the findings of the project. The form of letter will be provided by CABHI.
Must clearly address at least one of CABHI’s four innovation themes, and demonstrate potential to make a difference if implemented broadly
- Initiatives cannot involve basic research, primarily academic goals, capital investment in a portfolio of intellectual property, pharmaceutical clinical trials or incubators for startups.
- Eligible projects must focus on the development or refinement of an innovative device, software, practice or service.
- Projects cannot exceed 12 months.
Maximum Project Value
The maximum funding available for projects selected in this call for innovations is $50,000.
Project Duration
The Spark program will be funding projects that are scheduled to run for 6 to 12 months, starting in September 2018.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | Learn more about how to submit a successful application to the CABHI Spark Program. Topics will include: keys to a successful proposal, how to submit a proposal through our online portals, funding allocation and responsibility for reporting. Register for the Friday, May 11 Webinar. | |
External Deadline | Learn more about how to submit a successful application to the CABHI Spark Program. Topics will include: keys to a successful proposal, how to submit a proposal through our online portals, funding allocation and responsibility for reporting. Register for the Friday, June 1 Webinar. | |
Internal Deadline | Researcher to submit signed OR-5 and application/budget to research.services@uoguelph.ca | |
External Deadline | Lead Applicant to submit online application form and Letter of Support from Host Institution to CABHI |
Information For Co-applicants
If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead applicant for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead applicant's deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).