
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) Institutes of Population and Public Health, Nutrition Metabolism and Diabetes and Circulatory and Respiratory Health, in partnership with Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC)


The fifth GACD Call will support research associated with the scale-up of interventions for the prevention, or detection and management of hypertension and/or diabetes in low- and middle-income countries and/or in vulnerable populations in high-income countries and/or Indigenous populations in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. CIHR and IDRC are particularly interested in supporting projects related to the primary prevention of hypertension and diabetes. 

As outlined in the GACD call, proposals must align with commitments or planned commitments at a regional or national level to enhance the scale-up of evidence-based interventions (including evidence of cost-effectiveness and affordability) across health or other sectors (e.g., finance, education, information technology, food authorities, municipal government, etc.).

Policymakers, intervention payers (excluding research funding agencies), researchers (including local researchers), implementers and beneficiaries should be involved at all stages of the project. Research proposals will support the conduct of research associated with the scale-up or implementation at-scale of the evidence-based interventions. Relevant authorities must provide support for the interventions.

For complete information on the challenge to be addressed, scope and expected impact of the research, please refer to the GACD Website.


For an application to be eligible:

  1. The Nominated Principal Applicant must be an independent researcher appointed at an eligible institution.

Canadian-LMIC (low- and middle-income) Teams

  1. Canadian-LMIC teams must include at least two independent researchers listed as Principal Applicants: one from Canada and one from a LMIC (as defined by the World Bank).
    1. For teams in which research will be conducted in more than one LMIC, there must be at least one independent researcher (as Principal Applicant or Co-Applicant) based in each LMIC.
  2. Canadian-LMIC teams must also include at least one decision maker and/or policy maker from a LMIC listed as Principal Knowledge User or Knowledge User.

Indigenous Research Teams

  1. Teams working with Canadian Indigenous populations must include at least one team member that self-identifies as either First Nations, Inuit or Métis, or that demonstrates significant Indigenous-living experience*. This member can be either an independent researcher listed as the Nominated Principal Applicant, Principal Applicant or Co-Applicant, or a knowledge user listed as Principal Knowledge User or Knowledge User.

*Indigenous-living experience reflects an inclusive approach, is broader than constitutional and legal definitions, and respects preferences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples to not use the term “Aboriginal” due to its generalizing nature, unless otherwise directed by the community(ies). It is a quality demonstrated by individuals who are closely connected with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities. For non-Indigenous individuals, Indigenous-living experience may be acquired through special circumstances, such as close relationships and experience with Indigenous Peoples; living an extended period of time (e.g., five years or more) on a reserve, in a Métis or Northern Inuit community; or through similar experience with other Indigenous Peoples – e.g., Pacific Islanders or South American Indigenous Peoples.

Funding Availability

A total of $5 Million is available to support a minimum of two grants.

Maximum Project Value

Up to $500,000 per year.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

5 years.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Pre-Proposal: NPA must submit Pre-Proposal through ResearchNet

Internal Deadline

Application: NPA must submit a copy of application, routing slip and signature pages along with a complete OR5 form to: research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Application: NPA must submit full applications in English to the GACD Common Application Portal (link to come). Please consult the GACD website for additional instructions.

For Questions, please contact

CIHR Contact Centre
Telephone: 613-954-1968
Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178
Email: support@cihr-irsc.gc.ca


Email address

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52832

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences