
CIHR - Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH)


Social Science for Population Health Planning Grants

For More Information

For more information, please go to the CIHR website.  


  • The CIHR IPPH will provide funding to support “Social Science for Population Health” planning grants for activities that aid the preparation of grant proposals for CIHR’s Foundation and Project Schemes. This funding is a mean to support planning of grants that are focused on understanding or changing the structural factors and contexts that shape health and health equity, most prominently the social determinants of health (SDOH) and related cultural, economic, legal, political and regulatory environments. Topics must be aligned with IPPH’s population health mandate which focuses on improving the health of populations and promoting health equity in Canada and globally through research and its application to policies, programs and practice in public health and other sectors. Applications addressing one or more of the three research priorities in IPPH’s strategic plan (2015-2018) are particularly encouraged:
    • Coherent intersectoral action for population health improvements
    • Scalable population health solutions
    • Equitable population health impacts
  • This unique funding opportunity is intended to help health social scientists who have never previously been the Nominated Principal Investigator of a CIHR open operating grant to obtain support through the agency’s recently reformed open suite of programs (i.e., Foundation and Project Schemes) to conduct research that helps improve the health of populations and promote health equity in Canada and globally. Social scientists include researchers who study society and human behaviour, such as anthropologists, criminologists, economists, geographers, historians, lawyers, linguists, political scientists, social psychologists and sociologists. The immediate goal of this funding opportunity is to support social scientists to prepare CIHR Foundation and Project Scheme grant applications to conduct population health research.


  • The proposed planning activities/events can occur either inside or outside of Canada.
  • Only researchers whose primary appointment is with a social science department are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. Researchers with primary appointments at hospitals or in health-related departments, institutes or schools such as medicine, nursing, public health, health studies, kinesiology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation science, nutrition and veterinary medicine are not eligible.
  • Only researchers who have never previously held a CIHR open operating grant as its Nominated Principal Investigator are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. Researchers who have been the Nominated Principal Investigators of priority-driven CIHR grants (e.g., planning grants, catalyst grants, training grants, knowledge translation grants, salary awards) are eligible.
  • Proposals do not need to articulate a direct way that the future research would benefit the health of populations and promote health equity in Canada and globally. Articulations of potential indirect benefits are equally acceptable.
  • Topics must be aligned with IPPH's population health mandate; applications focused on health care/services are not eligible for this funding opportunity.
  • A minimum of five (5) grants will be reserved for New Investigators who are within the first five years of becoming independent researchers.

For additional eligibility requirements for individuals, refer to the Individual Eligibility Requirements.

Funding Availability

The maximum amount available for a single grant is $20,000 per annum for up to one (1) year.

Indirect Costs



If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit a complete copy of the application along with a signed OR-5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

PI must submit application using ResearchNet. Scan and upload the signed signature pages in the Print/Upload Signature Pages task in ResearchNet prior to submitting your application.

How to Apply

For Questions, please contact

CIHR Contact Centre
Telephone: 613-954-1968
Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178
Email: support@cihr-irsc.gc.ca

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Social Sciences