
The HIV/AIDS Research Initiative with strategic leadership from the CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) and the CIHR Institute of Indigenous Peoples' Health (IIPH).

For More Information

For additional information, please visit the CIHR ResearchNet website for

  • Program guidelines
  • Application forms
  • Evaluation criteria


The CBR (Community-Based Research) Program supports the partnered work of Community Leaders and Researchers in knowledge development and capacity-building initiatives of relevance to communities engaged in the fight against HIV and/or other STBBI. All opportunities offered through the CBR Program are available in two distinct funding streams: Indigenous and General.

The aim of the Operating Grant component of the CBR Program is to contribute to the creation, dissemination and use of health-related knowledge, and to help develop research capacity, by supporting original, high-quality projects proposed and conducted in partnership between the community and academia.

For examples, applicants can visit CIHR's Funding Decisions web site to search for projects previously funded under a CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI CBR Operating Grant competition.


For an application to be eligible:

  1. The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) must be one of the following:
    1. an independent researcher or a knowledge user, affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution and/or its affiliated institutions (including hospitals, research institutes and other non-profit organizations with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge translation).
    2. Community Leader from a Canadian non-governmental, not-for-profit organization (including community or charitable organizations) with a research or knowledge translation mandate (see Administration of Funds).
    3. A Canadian non-governmental organization (including Indigenous-led community organizations and regional health authorities) with a research or knowledge translation mobilization mandate (see Administration of Funds).
  2. The team must involve at least one of each of the following:
    1. An independent researcher as either the NPA or a Principal Applicant
    2. A knowledge user as either the NPA or a Principal Knowledge User
  3. The NPA must have successfully completed one of the sex- and gender-based analysis training modules available online through the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health and have submitted a Certificate of Completion (see How to Apply).
  4. If applying to the Indigenous Stream:
    1. The NPA or Principal Applicant must self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) or provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with Indigenous communities (see How to Apply for more details).
    2. In addition, at least one knowledge user must be affiliated with First Nations, Inuit or Métis and/or Urban indigenous communities or organization.
  5. For applications not solely focused on Indigenous Health Research (i.e., not eligible to apply to the Indigenous Stream), but involving research with Indigenous Peoples, at least one member of the research team in a Principal role (i.e. Principal Applicant or a Principal Knowledge User) must self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) or provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with Indigenous Peoples (see How to Apply for more details).
  6. For both streams, the application must include funding to support the hiring of a minimum of one student (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, etc.) as a research trainee on the grant.

Funding Availability

The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $1,800,000, enough to fund approximately four grants.

Maximum Project Value

The maximum amount per grant is $150,000 per year or a total of $450,000 per grant.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

3 years

Special Notes

Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant to submit a copy of application, routing slip (signed if applicable) and a complete OR5 form to: research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applicant to submit complete application including required signature pages to sponsor using online application portal ResearchNet

Applicant to complete Full Application by following  the instructions in the Grants – Application Guidelines, along with any additional instructions found under How To Apply "Specific Instructions"

For Questions, please contact

CIHR Contact Centre
Telephone: 613-954-1968
Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178
Email: support-soutien@cihr-irsc.gc.ca

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences