Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms (CNSP)
Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms (CNSP) Platform Scientist/Administrator Awards recognize outstanding platform scientists or administrators from across Canada. The CNSP will honour exceptional scientists/administrators who enable cutting edge research through support of state-of-the-art infrastructure.
- Anyone working primarily within a scientific platform or assigned a role linked to scientific platforms within a Canadian institution that consists of more than 75% of their active duty is eligible.
- Applicants can be self-nominated.
- Please refer to the CNSP Platform Scientist/Administrator Awards website for additional criteria.
The CNSP Platform Scientist/Administrator Awards consists of 6 awards for outstanding platform scientists or administrators from across Canada.
The award includes:
- free registration for the CNSP Scientific Platforms Meeting (SPM 2020) in Toronto at the BMO Centre at Toronto Western Hospital from June 9-11, 2020,
- a $250 cash prize and
- $400 in travel support for platform scientists/administrators from outside the greater Toronto area.
- award winners will have an opportunity to present themselves and their platform(s) with both a short oral presentation and a poster presentation at the SPM 2020.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | Please submit the nomination application directly to the Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms (CNSP) at cnsp.rcps@gmail.com |
How to Apply
Nominations may be submitted by the applicant, or from someone with the ability to assess the impact/importance of the applicant’s contribution to the platform. For example, a major facility user, applicant’s supervisor or colleague.
Please send a copy of the nomination to research.services@uoguelph.ca
For more information, contact research.honours@uoguelph.ca or refer to the Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms (CNSP) website.