All content in the EthOS data migration scope was migrated successfully. 

Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to log into EthOS and validate that their legacy protocols (active and approved prior to August 13) are visible in your Project List. 

Migrated content appears with its study title under which you will see the ‘legacy form’. The latest version of your MS Word application, and any supporting protocol documentation, will be accessible as attachments from the legacy form. If you don’t see a protocol that you were expecting, or if there are any errors with the migrated content, contact citing the former REB Reference Number. 

As of today, all new applications, amendments, renewals, event reports, and closures should be submitted through EthOS

Training and Support Resources 

This migration marks a significant milestone in our EthOS journey as researchers are now able to enjoy the full range of EthOS functionality. 

While applications using the old Microsoft Word forms will no longer be accepted, we are happy to help anytime as you transition to this new era of EthOS

Alert Classifications
Research Management and Support

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences