Updated Information
  • Updated program name
  • Updated sponsor
  • External contact added


Ontario Ministry of Education - Education Research and Evaluation Strategy Branch (ERESB)


Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER)

The Ministry is supporting the establishment of up to four different research-to-practice thematic knowledge networks to support the identification, sharing, adaptation and implementation of evidence-informed educational practices aligned with the goals of the Ministry of Education's renewed vision, Achieving Excellence.  These thematic knowledge networks will focus on ministry priority topics and will receive ,multi-year funding for their own work and the work of related communities of practice.  The purpose of the thematic knowledge networks will be to build system capacity for knowledge mobilization and research use, and facilitate the implementation of evidence-informed education practices to enhance professional practice and students learning equity and well-being.  The central function of the Learning and Leading for Equity Knowledge Network is to engage those working in the space of equity and inclusive education to identify and mobilize knowledge and research evidence to reduce systemic barriers and biases within and across education systems and broader school communities.

For More Information

KNAER Application Guide and Form


The Learning and Leading for Equity Knowledge Network will:

  • bring together diverse partner organizations to mobilize evidence from educational research and professional practice connected to diversity and equity 
  • facilitate the use of evidence based practices for instruction to support improved educational achievement for racialized and marginalized students
  • contribute to Ontario's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy in partnership with educators, researchers and stakeholders across Ontario

The Learning and Leading for Equity Knowledge Network Host(s) will be the lead organizations responsible for coordinating the collaborative activities of the network partners and communities of practice to be established through the network.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Submit your proposal to the Office of Research email address at resserv@uoguelph.ca by the internal deadline

Internal Deadline

The Ministry of Education's Education Research and Evaluation Strategy Branch invites interested organizations to read the guidelines carefully and to submit an application aligned with the instructions.

For Questions, please contact

Email the ERESB Office at cro.office@ontario.ca

Office of Research

Linda McCorkindale, Contracts Officer
Research Services Office

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