
George Weston Limited and Loblaw Companies Limited


Seeding Food Innovation Grants 2018 - Letter of Intent

For More Information

2018 Seeding Food Innovation - Call for Letters of Intent

Full Funding Guidelines


This program provides seed funding for interdisciplinary research or technology development that help accelerate solutions to sustainable food challenges.  The thematic focus is on food production, distribution and consumption initiatives. Research outcomes should impact primarily Canadians, but also deliver key learnings towards issues of global concern.

Changes to the 2018 Seeding Food Innovation grant program:
  • The maximum amount of funding available per project has been increased from $150,000 to $250,000.
  • There is an increased emphasis on the development of interdisciplinary research partnerships. As such, proposed projects must include at least one team member and interdisciplinarity will be viewed as an asset. Partnerships might include academic institutions/schools, not-for-profit organizations, public or private sector organizations or any combination of these.

The following represents a list of possible ideas, but is no means intended to be comprehensive:

  • Agriculture Intensification
  • Food Safety
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Food Waste Reduction
  • Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning
  • Meat Substitutes (e.g. artificial or plant-based proteins)
  • Agroecology
  • Product Innovation
  • Biodiversity (as it relates to food production)
  • Seed Systems
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Soil Science
  • Changing Consumption Dynamics
  • Sustainable Farming Practices
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Technology-based Intervention
  • Digital Epidemiology
  • Vertical Farming
  • Food Nutrition Studies
  • Water (for food production)


  • Funding will only be awarded to institutions that are Canada Revenue Agency registered
  • Principal Applicants must be at the level of Postdoctoral Fellow or higher or have an Administrative Supervisor that has a permanent post at recognized Canadian post-secondary institution
  • Principal Applicants should be based at a Canadian Institution for at least 30% of their time.

Maximum Project Value

Funding of up to $250,000 per project is available for up to two years within the field of food innovation

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

  • Information Webinars:
    1. June 13, 2018 – 1:00 pm EST
    2. June 14, 2018 – 1:00 pm EST

Applicants may indicate their interest in joining the information webinar by sending an email to food.innovation@weston.ca.

To find out more about projects awarded in 2016 and 2017, you can read the lay abstracts on  http://www.weston.ca/en/Funded-Research.aspx.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Applicants must submit their Letter of Intent directly to the sponsor via the online grants system.

Internal Deadline

Applicants who have been invited to submit a full proposal must submit a complete proposal package along with a signed OR-5 form to resserv@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applicants must submit their full proposal directly to the sponsor via the online grants system.

How to Apply

The application process consists of two stages: Letters of Intent (LOI) and Proposal. Only applicants who submit an LOI may be invited to submit a full proposal to enter the second stage.

The LOI stage of the application process is a significant stage of evaluation. Only a small proportion of the applicants will be invited to submit full proposals. 

Applicants whose LOIs meet the review criteria and are favourably reviewed will enter the second stage, where they will be invited to submit a Proposal. Proposal instructions and feedback from the scientific review committee will be forwarded along with the invitation. Complete Proposals will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee.

The Companies are not required to provide feedback to Applicants who are not invited to submit a Proposal. However, unsuccessful full proposals will receive written feedback from the Scientific Review Committee.

Grant agreement must be completed within three weeks notification of selection as a grantee. 

For Questions, please contact

 Food.Innovation@Weston.ca or 416-965-5472

Office of Research

Amy Bossaer, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x58613

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