Updated Information
  • Updated Internal Deadline: changed from January 8, 2019 to January 22, 2019
  • Updated External Deadline: changed from January 15, 2019 to January 29, 2019


Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC)


Fishery Research Program and Sea Lamprey Research Program 


The Great Lakes Fishery Commission is now accepting pre-proposals for its Fishery and Sea Lamprey Research Programs. The Program Guide outlines the Fishery Research Program and Sea Lamprey Research Program themes and special topics or research board priorities.

Proposals are evaluated for relevance and scientific merit and against information needs identified by the Research Themes under which they are submitted.

Funding Availability

Individual awards are typically between $35,000 and $100,000 per year. Note that the funding limit for pilot projects has increased to $20,000.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Projects may not have a start date before January 1, 2020.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your pre-proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

An electronic copy of your pre-proposal is due by January 29, 2019 11:59 pm EST. Only the electronic copy is due by January 15th . Create an account, or log in to an existing account, at http://www.glfc.org/proposal/login.php to upload an electronic copy of your pre-proposal as a Microsoft Word file or .pdf to the online pre-proposal submittal system.

One hard copy of your pre-proposal must be submitted (by mail, not fax) within 5 business days of the online submittal deadline. Submit one hard copy of your pre-proposal to the address listed in the header of this document. Send it to the attention of the program to which you are applying.

For Questions, please contact

If you have questions about the pre-proposal form or the research programs, send an email to the addresses listed below for the appropriate program or call 734-662-3209 and ask to speak to a research program associate.

Fishery Research Program: frp@glfc.org 

Sea Lamprey Research Program: slrp@glfc.org

Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences