
Government of Canada - Department of National Defence


The Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security Program (IDEaS) - Innovation Network - Topic Area: Advanced Materials

For More Information

IDEaS Website


To facilitate the free-flow of ideas, the Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program will support the creation of Innovation Networks which will work in areas of interest to Canadian defence and security. The First Call, for the creation of Innovation Networks, one of eight elements of the IDEaS program, focused on Advanced Materials, is currently open.

The call will invite research proposals from small, multi-disciplinary teams in the field of Advanced Materials. Teams must be led or co-led by an investigator from a Canadian university, and can be composed of investigators from the academic, for-profit, and/or not-for-profit sectors, as well as provincial/territorial and municipal government organizations. Teams will be encouraged to develop and submit interdisciplinary research proposals addressing one or several areas identified at the time of the call within the broader field of advanced materials.

The call for the creation of Innovation Networks is in direct response to commitments made for the IDEaS program in Canada’s defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged.


Eligible Organizations/Institutions

  • This call is open exclusively to multidisciplinary teams of researchers. The primary affiliation of the investigators must be from at least three separate institutions and/or organizations.
  • Eligible institutions or organizations are:
    • Canadian universities and educational institutions chartered in Canada;
    • Incorporated Canadian for-profit organizations;
    • Incorporated Canadian not-for-profit organizations;
    • Provincial/territorial and municipal government organizations; and
    • International universities and educational institutions.
  • Each Micro-net can be composed of investigators from any combination of institutions and organizations from the list above, however, at least one Canadian university must be included. For example, Micro-net members from two universities and one for-profit organization would be deemed eligible.
  • Individuals from the institutions and organizations listed above and who are members of existing networks, associations, groups, consortia, etc. may participate
  • While the participation of international partners in Micro-nets is encouraged, the IDEaS Program Office reserves the right to reject, at its sole discretion, proposals which include participants affiliated with non-Canadian universities and educational institutions. Applicants potentially affected by this should consult with the IDEaS Program Office (IDEaS-IN.IDEeS-RI@forces.gc.ca) prior to submitting their proposals.
  • The primary affiliation of at least one of the Principal Investigators must be a Canadian university. This person will be designated the Lead Applicant, and their university will be designated the Initial Recipient.

Team Composition​

  • The teams forming the Micro-nets under this CFPMN must be multidisciplinary and composed of:
    • One to three Principal Investigator(s), who will assume the scientific and internal management of the Micro-nets
    • A minimum of four Co-Investigators.
    • Any number of Collaborators.
  • Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators must:
    • Justify, by means of a detailed budget linked to specific activities, that they require a financial contribution in order to achieve the proposal’s objectives
    • Demonstrate they will be adequately involved in the Micro-net’s activities to increase the probability of success of the proposed research.
  • Individual researchers may submit a maximum of one proposal to this CFPMN as a Principal Investigator, and two as a Co-Investigator.

Eligible Micro-net Activities

  • Applications must include proposed R&D activities to be carried out by the Micro-net, to address one or more specific aspect(s) of the defence and security Innovation Challenge identified in this CFPMN. The R&D activities include conceptual design, requirements analysis, proof of concept, systems development, validation and integration, testing and prototyping, generally representative of, but not limited to, SRLs 1-6.
  • Other eligible activities include participation in scientific conferences, and public outreach.

Funding Availability

$9M total available

Maximum Project Value


Indirect Costs

Not to exceed 15% of the total approved eligible costs

Project Duration

Up to 36 months from award

Special Notes

A second call for the creation of Innovation Networks, one of eight elements of the IDEaS program, will be issued in the coming weeks. At this point, a separate Research Alert will be created for this call.

This second call will invite research proposals from small, multi-disciplinary teams in the field of Autonomous Systems. Teams must be led or co-led by an investigator from a Canadian university, and can be composed of investigators from the academic, for-profit, and/or not-for-profit sectors, as well as provincial/territorial and municipal government organizations. Teams will be encouraged to develop and submit interdisciplinary research proposals addressing one or several areas identified at the time of the call within the broader field of autonomous systems.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Letter of Intent (LOI): The LOI must be submitted via the Application Portal by the Lead Applicant. 

Internal Deadline

Full Proposal (If Invited): Applicants invited to submit a full proposal must submit their full application, along with signed OR-5, to research.services@uoguelph.ca, no later than two weeks prior to submission via the Application Portal. Please note, a signature from the U of G's authorized representative is required on the completed application prior to submission via the portal. 

External Deadline

Full Proposal (If Invited): Successful applicants at the LOI stage will be invited to submit a Full Proposal. Full Proposals must be submitted via the Application Portal by the Lead Applicant.

How to Apply

An Information Session on the First Call for Proposals for Innovation Networks was held by Web conference on June 11, 2018. A recording of the Webex session and the presentation are available for viewing.

LOI Stage

Applicants must create a login and password to access the Application Portal. The LOI package must include a completed project LOI Form signed by the Lead Applicant and, if applicable, the other Principal Investigators

Full Proposal

Successful applicants at the LOI stage will be invited to submit a Full Proposal. 

The Full Proposal package must contain:

  • A completed application form, which includes:
    • A description of the proposed R&D activities;
    • An itemized budget for the project, indicating projected expenditures, and cash flow requirements, as well as confirmed and potential revenues and other sources of funds;
    • The names, affiliations and contact details of Principal Investigator(s) and Co-Investigators, and point of contact for the Initial Recipient; and
    • The identification of all sources of funding relevant to the proposal.
  • Signatures of delegated authorities of Initial and Ultimate Recipient
  • Canadian Common CVs for all Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators, including a summary of significant contributions of the Principal Investigator(s) and Co-Investigators over the past six (6) years. (Applicants will be required to register and generate an IDEaS-CFPMN Common CV with Canadian Common CV;
  • Letters of support from Collaborators (if applicable)
  • Letters from other funding contributors confirming their cash and/or In-Kind Contributions, if applicable;
  • The Declaration of Confidentiality, Access to Information Act and Privacy Act form signed by the duly authorized representative

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research at research.services@uoguelph.ca ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).


PDF icon IDEaS Application Guide309.24 KB
For Questions, please contact


Office of Research

Amy Bossaer, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x58613

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