
Great Lakes Fishery Commission


Each year, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission honors individuals or groups who have made outstanding contributions to Great Lakes science, policy, and management. The commission has announced that they are accepting nominations for the following three annual awards. The awards will be presented during the Commission’s annual meeting in May, 2019.

The Jack Christie/Ken Loftus Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions toward Understanding Healthy Great Lakes Ecosystems recognizes an individual or group who made significant contributions toward understanding Great Lakes ecosystems and the fisheries they support. Healthy ecosystems are the foundation for strong fish communities, vibrant fisheries, and successful fishery resource management. Jack and Ken, two former employees of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, remain widely known for advancing the science used in resource management. Jack and Ken’s scientific contributions and legacies continue to set high standards for Great Lakes research. They emphasized science as the basis for management, and promoted an “ecosystem approach” to management of the Great Lakes. The Jack Christie/Ken Loftus award recognizes those who have adhered to the highest principles of science for the benefit of Great Lakes ecosystems.

The Buzz Besadny Award for Fostering Great Lakes Partnerships recognizes an individual or group who exemplified extraordinary commitment to building strong and lasting partnerships in Great Lakes resource management. Management agencies on the Great Lakes recognized long ago that threats to the resource and opportunities for environmental protection required greater management capability than any one agency or government could provide. By building partnerships, agencies and individuals develop trust, strengthen resolve to advance the ecosystem approach to management, and, ultimately, improve the quality of the Great Lakes for today and for the future. Buzz Besadny’s commitment to the Great Lakes through research, cooperation, diplomacy, and absolute respect for the resource inspired a generation of managers. The Buzz Besadny award recognizes those who, in the spirit the former DNR Director and GLFC Chair, took laudable action to foster the partnerships that are so valuable to our common endeavor.

The Vern Applegate Award for Outstanding Contributions to Sea Lamprey Control recognizes an individual or group who furthered the cause of sea lamprey control on the Great Lakes. In the spirit of Vern Applegate—a visionary who, 50 years ago, pioneered the successful sea lamprey control effort—this award recognizes persons who made particularly noteworthy contributions in such areas as lampricides, alternative controls, integrated pest management, non-target mortality, research, and program efficiencies. Sea lamprey control is vital to the vibrancy of the valuable Great Lakes fishery; to the achievement of Fish Community Objectives; and to the millions of people who rely on the fishery for food, income, and recreation. The Vern Applegate award is a fitting recognition of those who made outstanding contributions to the program and to the long-term health of the Great Lakes fishery.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Nomination due to Great Lakes Fishery Commission using the online form provided in the link under "Description".


How to Apply

The forms for submitting a nomination are available at the links in "Description" for each separate award. Nominations submitted within the previous three years will be considered in 2018 and do not need to be resubmitted.


For Questions, please contact

Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

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