IC-IMPACTS (the India-Canada Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability) and the Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Cyber-Physical Systems to Support Green Buildings in Smart Cities
For More Information
For additional information, please visit the program's website.
- Program guidelines
- Application forms
- Evaluation criteria
IC-IMPACTS and the Department of Science & Technology (DST) recently launched the call for proposals on “Cyber-Physical Systems to Support Green Buildings in Smart Cities”, inviting researchers to submit proposals for projects that can be completed in two years (or less).
Proposals must reflect the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in order to increase equity and enhance research excellence. IC-IMPACTS is committed to the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, adopted from NSERC’s Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Excellence in Natural Sciences and Engineering Research.
The proposals may focus on one or more of the following or related topics:
A. Development of Sensors, Cyber-Physical Interfaces, and Solutions for:
- Monitoring structural performance of buildings for safety, reduced life-cycle costs, and efficient asset management
- Building disaster management during fire, earthquakes, etc. to improve occupant survivability
- Enhancing thermal, acoustical, and lighting comfort in buildings
- Monitoring of volatile organic compounds in air, human-generated aerosols, and aerosol transport
- Energy reduction, net zero energy, and carbon neutrality
- Reduced water usage, water harvesting, and on-site treatment
B. Demonstration of Technologies developed in Part A in Buildings in India and Canada.
- Technology demonstrations should rank high on the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Scale and enable the dream of building Smart and Sustainable Buildings. Central to the successful execution of the proposed project will be demonstrating a scalable technology that can be developed as a commercially viable option for Indian and Canadian companies.
- All Canadian researchers eligible to receive funding from IC-IMPACTS and tri-council agencies in Canada are eligible to apply as Principal Investigators from Canada along with an eligible Indian Principal Investigator.
- All Indian researchers generally eligible to apply for DST funding opportunities are eligible to apply as Principal Investigators from India.
Project Duration
Two years (or less)
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Principal investigator submits signed OR-5 form along with Application and Budget documents to: research.services@uoguelph.ca Principal Investigator must also complete and submit the following forms to the Office of Research Services: Conflict of Interest Form, Consent for Disclosure Form, Acknowledgement to Network Agreement Form, and Investigator Environmental Impact Self-Assessment Form. | |
External Deadline | Principal Investigator must submit the proposals electronically online via the IC-IMPACTS application portal. |
How to Apply
To apply for this Call for Proposals, download and complete the following documents:
- Application Form
- Budget Form
- CVs of all Research Team Members
- Letter(s) of Support from Community or Testing Site Partner(s)
- IP Agreement/Letter of Intent between Collaborating Partners and Researchers
Canadian scientists must also include the following:
- Conflict of Interest Form
- Consent to Disclosure Form
- Acknowledgment to Network Agreement Form
- Investigator Environmental Impact Self-Assessment Form
- Approval from their University’s Office of Research Services
Proposals must be written in the English language and clearly marked as DST: IC-IMPACTS proposals and must be submitted to both IC-IMPACTS and to DST in parallel in accordance with the proposal preparation requirements of each side, respectively.
While conforming to the different respective regulations, forms, and submission procedures of the two agencies, the project descriptions must be identical in their substance. As the projects must be fully integrated Indo-Canadian research projects, it is expected that the proposals must contain detailed information about the mode and essentiality of collaboration between the Indian and the Canadian sides.
Canadian researchers must submit the proposals electronically online via the IC-IMPACTS application portal.
Attachment | Size |
Proposal Form - IC-IMPACTS-DST | 133.97 KB |
Budget Form - IC-IMPACTS-DST | 65.5 KB |