
The Kidney Foundation of Canada

For More Information

For additional information, please visit the Kidney Foundation website for

  • Program guidelines
  • Application forms
  • Evaluation criteria


A KRESCENT program Post-Doctoral Fellowship is an “in-training” award intended for applicants with a PhD, MD or equivalent degree. The objective is to attract and foster young investigators to initiate and/or continue training in kidney research.

An awardee may not be in receipt of another major personnel award at the same time as holding the Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the KRESCENT program. However, the KRESCENT program will consider approving supplemental funding if a minor stipend has been provided from a local or provincial funding agency.

The KRESCENT program New Investigator Award is awarded to individuals who have clearly demonstrated excellence during their pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training in kidney disease and provides salary support for up to three years of the faculty appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or equivalent at a Canadian University. The purpose of this award is to support the investigator in becoming established as a fully independent investigator in the field of kidney disease.


Applicants for both Post-Doctoral Fellowship and New Investigator Award programs must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants at the time of submission of their application.  Applicants must apply through a university department or affiliated institution that has been accepted as suitable for research training by the KRESCENT program.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Awards for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship are tenable under the supervision of investigators holding an academic appointment and in areas of investigation where the research has direct relevance to kidney disease. The training program must include involvement in actual research, and not only courses in research methods. Applicants enrolled in programs oriented primarily toward professional specialty training are normally ineligible for the Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Candidates with more than four years of Post-PhD research training by the competition deadline are not eligible to apply for this award, unless the candidate is an MD, who completed their PhD before or during their clinical training. Any interruption in a candidate’s Post-PhD research training will be taken into account in determining eligibility. 

New Investigator Awards: Researchers within the first three years of their first faculty appointment (Assistant Professor level or equivalent) at the time the Award commences, who hold an MD and/or PhD. New Investigator Awards must be held at universities in Canada. Candidates must hold an appointment at a Canadian university at Assistant Professor level or equivalent. Please note, an institutional acceptance letter must be provided in the application package. Candidates must have a MD, PhD or equivalent degree. Applications in clinical research will be considered only if it is clear from the application that at least 80% of the applicant’s time and effort will be devoted to the research project(s). The New Investigator Award is contingent on the following additional requirements with regard to grant-in-aid support for the proposed research. • During year one and two of this award, the awardee must show proof of submission of grant-in-aid applications to granting agencies that conduct peer reviews of the proposed research plan.

Maximum Project Value

Post-Doctoral Fellowship - The annual stipend is $ 65,000 (MD or equivalent degree) or $ 55,000 (Ph.D. without a MD or equivalent degree) without benefits. Successful applicants are expected to organize their own benefits with the host institution. Stipends are valued in Canadian dollars and are taxable. It is expected that 50% of the award will be contributed by the KRESCENT Program and 50% will be contributed by the host institution.

New Investigator Award - The annual stipend is $70,000 (MD or equivalent degree) or $65,000 (Ph.D. without a MD or equivalent degree) without benefits. Please note that the host institution contribution can come from an already established salary support (i.e. Normal salary), but that the host institution must confirm eligibility for the program (including protected research time, etc).

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant to submit a copy of application along with a complete OR5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applicant: Applications in English must be completed via the on-line application system proposalCENTRALPlease allow extra time to review the system before the application deadline of February 01, 2021.

To apply through this site, you will have to set up a profile, and then search for “KRESCENT” or “Kidney” and fill out the KRESCENT application. The application guidelines for the 2022 KRESCENT Post-Doctoral Fellowships and New Investigator Programs are available on the KRESCENT website and on the proposalCENTRAL website.

Please note:  the French version of the on-line application system is not available at this time.  To apply in French, all forms and guidelines (including the English guidelines) for the 2022 competition can be found on the Krescent website by January 8, 2021.


PDF icon Award application guidelines281.88 KB
For Questions, please contact

Christine Marquis
Research Grants and Awards Manager
514-369-4806 x232

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52832

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