CIHR is committed to engaging with organizations and members of the research community with lived experience and expertise to co-develop an action plan to address systemic racism in the CIHR funding system. CIHR is now pleased to announce the launch of CIHR equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) advisory groups.

Building on the commitments of their Strategic Plan, CIHR’s Equity Strategy, and Tri-Agency EDI Action Plan CIHR have established an External Advisory Committee on Anti-Racism. This important committee will provide key direction for actions the agency can take to address systemic barriers faced by individuals marginalized by race. Comprised of advocates, leaders, and experts on anti-racism and EDI initiatives, CIHR looks forward to working closely with members to ultimately co-develop an anti-racism action plan with the goal of increasing the equity, diversity and inclusion in CIHR’s funding system and promoting meaningful change in the broader health research funding system.

Recognizing that First Nations, Inuit and Métis are rights-holding as First Peoples of Canada and may not consider themselves to be part of equity-seeking groups, a second advisory stream under the leadership of the Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health (IIPH) is being developed to ensure that the unique rights, interests, and circumstances of Indigenous Peoples are acknowledged, affirmed, and implemented. 

Complementing these two external advisory groups will be two internal advisory groups – one focused on promoting EDI in the funding system and in funded research, and the other focused on the employee community and supporting leadership on EDI from within.

To learn more about these advisory groups, please consult the message from CIHR President Dr. Michael Strong.

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Research Policies and Guidelines

Health and Life Sciences