University of Guelph, thanks to a generous donation by the family of Ampelio (John) and Marlene Mason
Mason Research Fund
The Mason Research Fund was created by the family of Ampelio (John) and Marlene Mason to support research in cystic fibrosis or type 1 diabetes. Eligible applicants from across the University of Guelph are welcome, and the fund will support peer-reviewed research that involves non-embryonic system approaches.
All regular faculty members, including probationary, tenured and contractually-limited term appointees, are eligible. Contractually-limited term applicants are eligible, provided they are employed under a contract with the University for a period sufficiently long to make it feasible to carry out the proposed research project. Professors emeriti are also eligible for this program. Visiting fellows and scholars and postdoctoral fellows are not eligible.
Maximum Project Value
Awards will be for $50,000 grants
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
One to four years. Please define the budget accordingly.
Special Notes
Application Review:
The Mason Fund Review Committee is made up of members representing Colleges with faculty conducting research eligible under the fund. The Committee will adjudicate the applications based on the review criteria, funds available and terms of the gift agreement.
Review Criteria:
The Mason Fund Review Committee will rank and evaluate applications based on the criteria used by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) for the Project Grant competitions.
Criterion 1 - Significance and Impact of Research (25%)
This criterion is intended to assess the quality of what is being proposed, the value of the anticipated project contributions, and any advances in the research area.
Criterion 2 – Assessment of Feasibility of the Approaches and Methods (50%)
This sub-criterion is intended to assess the quality of the project's design and plan, including how and when the project will be completed.
Criterion 3 - Expertise, Experience and Resources (25%)
Does the applicant(s) bring the appropriate expertise and experience to lead and deliver the proposed outputs and achieve the proposed contribution(s)? The applicant(s) should demonstrate the combined expertise and experience needed to execute the project (i.e., deliver the proposed outputs as well as achieve the proposed contribution(s)). The roles and responsibilities of the applicant should be clearly described and linked to the objectives of the project.
Terms & Conditions
Unspent funds will be returned to AA&D if they are not used within the approved grant term (maximum four years).
Researchers who receive awards will work with Alumni Affairs & Development (AA&D) to provide annual reporting, including supporting photos where possible, until all funds have been spent over the approved grant term.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | Please email a signed OR-5 form with a complete application and budget (as per the application instructions below) to research.services@uoguelph.ca before the application deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted. |
How to Apply
Application Attachment- General Presentation
The Application Attachment must be included in your email as a PDF file and presented according to these specifications:
- single-spaced, with no more than 6 lines of type per inch;
- body text in a minimum 12 pt. Times New Roman font;
- Margins must be set at a minimum of ¾" (1.87 cm)
Application Attachment- Content - five pages maximum (mandatory)
Please provide the Mason Fund Review Committee with an application organized by the headings below and including content outlined herein that speaks to the review criteria:
- Brief overview of the proposed research plan
- Background and summary of the Principal Investigator’s and research team’s past accomplishments, if applicable
- Purpose of research and specific objectives
- Description of the research methodology
- Project timeline, milestones, and deliverables
- A budget ($50,000), including separate budget breakdown with justification for projected expenditures over a grant term of between 1-4 years. The budget should be included as an appendix of the Application.
Note: figures and tables to be reviewed by the review committee should be contained within the five-page Application Attachment. - A brief CV (any format) that includes specific reference to the publications/training program/grant support that are applicable to the application
- Response to Previous Reviews: an additional one-page attachment may be added if applicable [maximum 6 page application in these cases].
To be provided as a separate attachment, no page limit.