Updated Information

Internal and External deadlines added. 


Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR - NCE)


MEOPAR is anticipating the release of a call for proposals for Early Career Faculty (ECF) Grants in late June, with a due date of late October. This information is intended to provide additional time for interested researchers to begin designing their projects and building collaborations. To determine if your project idea fits within the MEOPAR framework of interdisciplinary research, training, and knowledge mobilization, the sponsor encourages you to review MEOPAR’s Strategic Plan, available at: http://meopar.ca/about-meopar/strategic-plan/.

This ECF call is specifically targeted at individuals early in their academic research careers. These grants are a unique opportunity for early-career faculty investigators to contribute to and participate in MEOPAR’s broad interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research effort, thereby growing and extending the network of collaborators and interactions with stakeholders. MEOPAR recognizes the need for support of early career investigators (who received their first faculty appointment in the last five years) to maximize their considerable potential.

Applicants are also encouraged to establish links with existing MEOPAR projects and activities. This may be through a formal cooperation with an existing MEOPAR research project, or through a clear explanation of how a distinct research focus is relevant to, and might be integrated with, other MEOPAR research. Descriptions of existing projects are available through the sponsor website at www.meopar.ca. Proponents are encouraged to contact MEOPAR’s Theme Leads to discuss how your research interests align with the current projects.


The applicant must be eligible to receive Tri-Council funding and must hold, or have accepted a firm offer of an academic appointment at an eligible Canadian university at the time of application. For the duration of the award, the applicant must hold such a position. The appointment can be:

  • a tenure-track position; or
  • a term or contract position of no less than three years at the Assistant Professor level or higher.

Initial funding of the project will commence in April 2019. At that time, the applicant must be within five years of their first academic appointment at a Canadian university and within ten years of receiving their PhD.

Please see the sponsor website for more eligibility conditions.

Adjunct professors as well as existing and previous MEOPAR project or Core leads are not eligible to apply for these grants.

Funding Availability

12-15 grants available

Maximum Project Value

$100,000 per grant

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

two years

Special Notes

This Call is released in partnership with Ocean Networks Canada (ONC). The financial contribution of ONC may be applied to any proposal that meets their requirements for funding.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Richard Dewey at rdewey@uvic.ca regarding eligibility for Ocean Networks Canada funding.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant to submit application and letters of support along with complete OR 5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Applicant to submit proposal using MEOPAR's online grant application portal

See attached Early Career Faculty Call for Proposal Instructions for more information.


File Early Career Faculty Call for Proposal instructions448.96 KB
For Questions, please contact

Tel: 902-494-2580

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52832

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Physical Sciences and Engineering