


The Mitacs Innovation Awards is one of Canada’s premier innovation celebrations. As Mitacs celebrates 25 years committed to fostering innovation and productivity in Canada, the 14th annual ceremony continues to recognize the best in Canadian talent, innovation, and research, but with a renewed name and updated award categories.

Award Categories open for nominations: 

  • Outstanding Innovation
    • Awarded to a Mitacs applicant recognized for their extraordinary talent and the potential their innovations hold to drive innovation in Canada.
  • Start-Up Innovator of the Year​
    • Awarded to an outstanding Canadian innovator who has used a Mitacs-funded project to kick-start their entrepreneurial journey.   
  • Outstanding Research Leadership
    • Awarded to an academic supervisor with an exemplary record of developing collaborations with industry partners, providing valuable research and training experiences to their interns, and utilizing Mitacs funding to initiate ground-breaking research. 
  • Inclusive Innovator of the Year​
    • Awarded to a Mitacs program participant who is committed to developing and/or fostering an inclusive innovation ecosystem; this award celebrates research achievements that promote social inclusion, incorporates diverse perspectives, and prioritizes accessibility in the design and execution of innovative projects, products, and services. 


Past or present students, postdoctoral fellows, and academic supervisors who have participated in the Mitacs Accelerate, Elevate, Globalink, or Business Strategy programs are eligible for nomination. For selection criteria pertaining to each specific award, please refer to the list of Mitacs Innovation Award categories. Award categories are open to nominations for college, polytechnic, and university participants.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Please submit the nomination directly to the Mitacs Innovation Awards nomination form by the external deadline. 

How to Apply

Please submit the nomination directly to the Mitacs Innovation Awards nomination form by the external deadline. Award recipients will be notified in October and announced publicly at the Mitacs Innovation Awards ceremony on November 19, 2024. 

For More Information

See the Mitacs Innovation Awards website for more information. 

Alert Classifications
Honours and Awards

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences