

For More Information

For more information on research security, please visit the websites below:

For more information on Mitacs programming, please visit the research alerts below:


New Mitacs Accelerate Application Research Security Requirements

Following the Government of Canada’s January 2024 updates to the Policy on Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC Policy) Mitacs released an updated Research Security Plan in August 2024, that includes updates to all Accelerate program application forms, as described below:

Please note that a transition period will be in effect; the current version of the Accelerate application form will continue to be accepted until September 30, 2024. To request a copy of the updated Accelerate application form, please connect with Emily Gordon (egordon@mitacs.ca).

Internally, the University of Guelph has developed guidelines for researchers in assessing these questions in the context of their research project(s), and development of risk mitigation language, if required. Please see the University of Guelph Guide for Completing the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships’ Risk Assessment Form.

For any outstanding questions pertaining to assessing the additional questions within the Mitacs Accelerate form in the context of your application, please contact research.security@uoguelph.ca or researchsecurity-securitedelarecherche@mitacs.ca.

Research Security Plan & Application Forms for other Mitacs Programs

Application forms for the Business Strategy Internship (BSI), Globalink Research Award (GRA) and Elevate programs are currently under review, with updates expected for Fall 2024. 

For Questions, please contact

Mitacs Advisor, University of Guelph

Emily Gordon

Research Security Specialist, University of Guelph

Amy Allison

Office of Research

Carolyn Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52935

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences