Updated Information
Two attachments uploaded. A one-page information sheet and presentation slide deck from the NSERC Alliance Grants information session    
Wednesday June 5, 2019 11:15am to 3:30pm
OVC Pathobiology AHL, Room 1810

RSVPs are being accepted until Friday, May 31 at 12:00pm noon, to Patti Minakis pminakis@uoguelph.ca if you plan to attend this event.

Please indicate if you will attend the NSERC session only, the RIO session only, or both. Attendance for the full duration is highly recommended.

Space is limited. Thank you for your RSVP to ensure adequate seating and hospitality.


A unique opportunity for all University of Guelph faculty and researchers to connect with a visiting representative from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC), based in Ottawa, to discuss the new Alliance Grants Program. 

Alejandra de Almeida, PhD, Acting Deputy Director and Sarah O'Neill, Research Partnerships Promotion Officer of the Ontario Regional Office, will provide an overview of the new partnership program, key changes and updates, followed by an opportunity for questions and answers (Q&A). This NSERC session will be followed by an interactive and informative session led by the Research Innovation Office (RIO) regarding institutional resources available to support your partnered projects.

11:15am   Networking & Light Lunch

12:00pm   Welcome by Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice-President (Research), University of Guelph

​12:10pm   Presentation by Alejandra de Almeida, Acting Deputy Director, Research Partnerships Portfolio, NSERC

1:15pm     Q&A Session with NSERC

2:00pm   - Break - 

2:15pm    "Adapting to the change: tools and resources for partnership-building". Presentation and discussion sponsored by the Office of Research Services and facilitated by Gregor Lawson, Industry Liaison Manager, Research Innovation Office (RIO)



PDF icon Alliance one-pager.pdf83.17 KB
PDF icon NSERC Alliance - Guelph - June 5.pdf479.81 KB
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