Tuesday June 11, 2019 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Webinar - No Registration Necessary

English Session

Conference Number: 1 877-413-4790

Conference ID: 7462843

Link to join webinar:

Thursday June 20, 2019 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Webinar - No Registration Necessary

French Session

Conference Number: 1 877-413-4790

Conference ID: 7462843

Link to join webinar:


NSERC engagement visits have been a successful tool for the Agency and the community to share information and build linkages. Over the last six years, NSERC officials have made 69 visits to 45 universities. Moving forward, NSERC plans to continue connecting with the community through these engagement webinars. These webinars also offer a platform for the community to ask questions and seek direct information from some of NSERC's staff. The webinars are planned for two hours and feature presentations by NSERC staff, interspersed with opportunities for questions from attendees.

In addition to the Engagement webinars, NSERC is hosting webinars to assist the research community on “How to complete an application” using the Research Portal and the NSERC Canadian Common CV (CCV). Visit Webinars Page for more details.

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