


Research Partnership Programs - Collaborative Research & Development (CRD) and Industrial Research Chair (IRC) 

For More Information

NSERC Summary of Changes


NSERC is pleased to announce policy changes to its Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) and Industrial Research Chair (IRC) Programs to broaden their impact and expand eligibility. These changes will also provide faster and simpler delivery of funding to support research partnerships in Canada and to diversify the innovation ecosystem in Canadian universities.   The policy changes will attract additional partners to university research in Canada and provide more opportunities for multinational and foreign companies to partner with Canadian university researchers to conduct R&D here. Researchers will benefit with more opportunities to participate in collaborative projects with leading innovative companies. Below is a breakdown of the changes. Additional details are available on the updated webpage.   NSERC is broadening the impact of its grants by: Allowing Canadian university researchers to partner with multinational companies
  • Canadian university researchers can now partner with the best industrial researchers wherever they are located across the globe. Multinational companies (MNEs), either head-quartered in Canada, or with significant Canadian operations, may partner on an NSERC CRD or IRC grant to create a collaboration that has benefits for Canada and Canadians.
Having foreign companies collaborate with Canadian companies on an equal basis
  • Foreign company(ies) are now fully eligible partner(s) in partnership with at least one Canadian company. NSERC will match cash and in-kind contributions from all companies involved on an equal basis

For more information on the changes above and additional details pertaining to organizations involved in research partnerships, please review the revised  Guidelines for Organizations Participating in Research Partnerships.

For Questions, please contact

If you have any questions or comments please contact RPP@nserc-crsng.gc.ca.

Office of Research

Carolyn Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52935

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